My advice on how to pass all 4 exam parts

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  • #1519482

    First and foremost, this is what worked for me, but I believe it can work for many others (attempt at your own risk…lol). I learned a lot by reading this forum and by trial and error. I managed to pass all 4 parts without failing (and I am no genius). I wanted to give back to all of you, so this is what i did:

    1. For all parts I used Roger CPA, Ninja MCQ, and Ninja Audio.

    2. Use Roger on 1.5-2X LECTURE speed, it is not nearly as fast as you think and you finish lectures in half the time. I would also snip and paste pictures of his lecture board on a word doc on important lectures for quick referral if needed.

    3. I would hammer NINJA MCQ like there is no tomorrow. Go through whatever lecture section you did in roger on Ninja MCQ. *Important: If you read through a MCQ and do not immediately know how to answer, mark it wrong. Do not try to work through it and waste valuable time on something you do not know. Read the reason for the answer and work through the solution (you need to understand the reasoning why this is the right answer). We have tendency to think we can figure it out, this will kill your efficiency. Once you have worked through a section (Did all new MCQs), rework all wrong answers again within 48-72 hrs, this should help you retain the information/process. Especially for FAR, REG, and BEC; calculations at this point should become reflex (muscle memory). You see the information and you immediately know the process/calculation to perform.

    4. Listen to NINJA Audio every chance you get to reinforce.

    5. Last, REVIEW is the most important element to passing. When i say review, what i mean is plan a good amount of time to review (maybe a week or 2). Replay any important Roger lectures on 2X speed and rework NINJA MCQs again in each section (try to do each question again or a substantial portion in EACH Section). Know what the heavily tested topics are and hit those harder.

    This is my advice and what worked for me. Hope this helps some of you (If it helps even 1 it was worth it).

    P.S./Bonus tidbits-Schedule your tests on Mondays if possible for better retention on test day. Do not get stuck in a time trap on questions on exam day, remember it is overall score not 1 question (they want you to get stuck). Stay on your timetable, time management is key.

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  • #1519503

    Glad you found something that worked……although, at this point, I am totally regretting my purchase of Roger's course. I went from being enthusiastic about it (1st week of 4 months of study for FAR) to being at the point where I want to just recycle the books and start over with another review course, or better yet, just 4 big books of really helpful practice problems.


    What is it that you don't like about the Roger review course?


    I used Roger and Ninja MCQ with the same approach, except I watched the lectures on normal speed and skipped the audio lectures.

    “Willful immersion” in the material is the key to a passing score.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    This information is great! Thanks for taking the time to pass it along.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    @CPACandidate3 I don't like Roger's textbooks. I also don't like how you have to usually read a big long paragraph after selecting an incorrect MCQ answer.
    The lecture vids are good but they won't get you where you need to go. Many topics in the book have overly long explanations that are often confusing and many topics don't
    get a clear, concise explanation. I prefer Gleim's textbooks and some others that give an outline-type format instead of yodeling on and on and on with superfluous info.


    @CrazyLeon-I usually only watched 50-60% of Roger Lectures (on the most important or difficult subjects). I would just reread any parts he discussed in his lecture quickly (not all the extra crap he doesn't discuss). Doing the MCQ over and over gaining efficiency is way more important than lecture. Roger gave me a base to start with but Ninja MCQ filled all the gaps. I watched about 85% on AUD only, since it is more of an understanding type of test (AUD is much more about what we should do and why we should do it). Hope you find what works for you!


    It's nice how different strategies works for different people. I pretty much did the exact opposite of #3 and #5.

    Bec, 6/8/2016 - 84!
    Far, 7/12/2016



    I think you gave absolutely amazing advice as far as how important it is to full read and understand the mcqs when you get a weong or right and answer and understand why all the others are wrong. I pretty much did what you did exactly.

    I cannot agree more that scheduling for a Monday, so you have a whole weekend to study, is so clutch with a m-f job.

    The moment I started not fetting flustered on my exams by getting stuck on a question was the moment I started seeing better results on my scores. Getting stuck on one question is exactly what they would like you to do. Ironically I would always get stuck on a Mcq in which the topic was on something I felt so strong in! These exams are such a mind **ck. Stay focused!

    AUD 84
    FAR. 78(expired/retake 5/9/16)
    BEC 77
    REG 76


    Yesterday was a rotten day for me, in terms of studying. I did like 5 MCQ and then just said “forget it.” But, today was a better one because I made a plan and decided that for REG and BEC, which I will take next, I will only use Roger for IPQ (MCQ and TBSs) and videos. I'm going to use Gleim's books for REG and BEC because everybody seems to say that Roger is not as good for those. I think he's probably the best for FAR and AUD, or comparable to other review courses. But, after looking at his textbooks for REG and BEC, I just get a feeling that they're not as complete as they should be. Failing all of the above, I will eventually buy Ninja. But, I like to use up what I have before buying more.


    I did pretty much the same thing as you, I used the same materials for the most part, but I just scheduled my tests whenever I felt like I would need so much time to allow for the next test while giving proper time to study for the one I was on.

    Now, I wish I would have thought of number two, that is a terrific idea, as long as you can read his handwriting!

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