Motivation/Tips/Study advice….PLEASE!

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  • #3211517

    I need advice/ tips on the best course of action!

    First Reg exam was Sep 2019 and scored a 65. COVID hit and threw my plans off (Active duty military AND thanks to Covid, a teacher. Sat for BEC around Aug 2020, scored 69. Retook BEC Nov 2020, scored 71. Then retook Reg Dec 2020, scored 69.

    I’m currently in the process of studying for Reg exam for Feb 1st timeframe, then taking BEC 3 weeks after. I’ve watched the lectures using Roger CPA review. They take some time to get through. I would like to finish copying notes within a few days and leave myself roughly 3 weeks for ONLY questions and use the same approach when I retake the BEC exam.

    From experience of those who have failed and passed exams thereafter, what did you change in your approach? I blows m mind some are able to pass these exams with just a few weeks of getting through the material initially AND working questions over and over.

    I’d be happy if I could pass at least 2 exams by April. I’m separating from the military within the next 12 months so there’s a bit of self induced pressure to make sure I can get the license before then.


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  • #3212222

    You need motivation? Please look at my many failures and study your butt off if you do not want to end up like me. It is very painful failing so many exams. When you study, make sure to study the approach very well and be very attentive. Good luck


    I think you should focus on your REG and get it done. Stop thinking about passing both of them at the same time, just do it one at a time. After you think REG then give 100% attention to BEC. Your distraction swinging back and forth will drain your energy and make it harder.

    Since you are so close to 75 already, I'm not sure why are you reading the lectures. It's not like you don't know the materials already. I would rather spam REG MCQ and Sims. Figured out which topic I stuck at, and read just that chapter. I would also spam Google on different sets of MCQ and Sims. Probability tells me that the more different variety I see, the higher chance I'll see similar (if not exact) questions on the test.

    There's virtually no difference in my opinion between 65 to 75. It's just a choice of luck if you get pick on questions you know or don't know.

    I was able to finish BEC from 0 to 75 in three weeks, but I took it last. Personally I didn't understand why they had BEC, it's like a mix of AUD FAR REG.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Hey there! I passed FAR using Roger's CPA review, this is what I did that helped me pass:
    1. Read through all the material and watched the lectures, took keynotes on bolded areas and examples ( I re-watched all the lectures 2 weeks b4 the exam on quick speed and only re-wrote notes on concepts I didn't understand). One week before the exam I created a quick sheet, which was all of the most important concepts that I had crammed onto one piece of paper front/back, I read those notes right before I entered the Prometric center.
    2. I went through all the MCQs, 3-4 times; 2 times at least on the TBSs. This might sound silly, but it really helps me when I'm practicing to read the question out loud on the difficult ones and then say out loud why I'm picking an answer. This stops me from just memorizing the response and when I have to explain to myself WHY I know this is the correct answer, it just helps it all stick. And I slow down and ensure that I'm not just glossing over everything.
    3. I forget things pretty quickly if I haven't seen it in 10 + days, so I put the MCQs that I kept getting wrong onto the flashcards and would look at those every couple of days.
    4. I used the AICPA questions under the Study Resources tab, I used this as a quick practice exam and would cover the answers so I could see how I was performing. They have the last few years on there, so I found those to be a bit helpful just to see something a little different.
    5. How are you performing on the Roger's SmartPath? Make sure you're hitting those metrics.
    6. I spent a lot of time on the final 2 weeks brushing up on the concepts I didn't understand and creating my own mnemonics for some tough topics. I went through the MCQs like crazy.
    7. Take the Roger's practice exam, it's not a very good metric on how you'll perform, but it's a really good practice for pacing yourself.
    8. And last little thing I did that still gives me motivation, I wrote my name on a post-it with the CPA credential behind it. I still have it up on my computer :).

    You CAN do this!! I'm sitting for REG on 2/2 and I'm following a similar strategy again. I still have 3 exams to take and I'm hoping I can get them all done by the end of June, so I bet you definitely can get these all done within the year! Best wishes to you!


    Thanks for all of the tips and advice. I only know one other CPA that has been licensed within the last 4 years so its refreshing to get perspectives from those still going through the process. I pretty much need to do more questions from what it looks like. I hope 3 weeks worth of sims and questions (using roger and ninja) will get me over the hump of a few points! I'm able to converse with a CPA about the material, but come test time, its like a get questions I have no idea where they came from.

    After scoring 71 (BEC) and 69 (Reg) on last two exams, I at least know i can pass, its just a matter of taking these tips and tweaking my approach.


    Hey, don't give up. You got this! As Roger CPA would say, “this is a test of discipline, not of intelligence.” I sometimes would disagree, but just put in the hours and it will pay off. Make sure when you are going through the MCQ's that you understand each answer and why it is or isnt correct.


    To get rid of your problems I'll highly recommend you utilize Google and just Google random questions, this increase your chances of seeing different questions from difficult point of view. And minimize the chance you will see a completely new questions when you sit in the test.

    Also, tax season is coming up so I'll suggest you to join VITA and spent maybe 2 Horus per week to be in the tax field. I call it enhanced hands on practice plus free tutors to go to when you want to ask tax questions. If you want to meet other professionals. It's not necessarily but if you want to it might be great help. I personally did not do it.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Stay motivated and just take it one exam at a time. Don't think of all the different exams because it can feel overwhelming. Also, like Roger CPA says, it is a test of discipline, not intelligence.


    I wouldn't leave the SIMs and MCQs to the end, I would work them while you study.
    It will help the concepts to click in your head, and help you retain the information.
    Just my advice if you are still struggling.
    If you cram the videos in a week, and then get right to the MCQs that might be different, but I don't know that 3 weeks is enough time at the end.


    My motivation took a hit with COVID as well, and it's been very hard to stay on track because of it. I decided that my best bet was to stick with one area (REG for now), until I get it done. I'm reading the text right now and doing the lectures. Sometimes, I watch the lectures twice to get the ideas to really stick. UWorld Roger has MCQ's that keep my busy as well, and I'm using those as a gauge to how I will do on the actual exam.


    Honestly I think my biggest advice would be to use Ninja. I passed BEC & AUD using Wiley. But then I got to REG & FAR. I failed REG the first time using wiley then purchased Ninja. In my experience Ninja does the best job of condensing the chapters. Wiley's FAR book was so big I couldn't even get myself to open it. But with Ninja I was able to get through it and the audios were a major help. I know everyone learns differently and it's not one size fits all but for retakes I only did MC & Sims. As long as I did enough practice questions and read the explanations on every question even the ones I got right I felt prepared. Keep at it!

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