Memory retention tips??

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  • #201685

    Hey all,

    I’m having difficulty remembering information. I’m in week three of my REG studies and I feel like I’m not retaining as much as I would like. After my previous two exams, I can say that the last two weeks really gets better as far as remembering stuff, but I need to find a way to get my memory going sooner to feel more prepared come test day. I feel like as soon as I’m done with a study session, I can only remember like one or maybe two little pieces of info.

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks? I even looked into getting a memory supplement like ginkgo biloba…..anything to help me remember better!!! Help!

    FAR - 75 (2/25/16)
    AUD - 80 (4/8/16)
    REG - 80 (6/10/16)
    BEC - 79 (7/19/16)

    You only get one shot with the spirit bomb.

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  • Author
  • #774538

    It will be different for everybody. For me, it is repetition. Lots of it.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    are you getting enough sleep?

    there are some studies that say if you are burning the candle at both ends, your short term memory suffers.

    I noticed my study retention was suffering during my studies for BEC, after not studying a couple of nights (blasphemy, I know!) and going to bed early, I was able to do much better the next few days. I have made more effort to get more sleep since.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    For me, it has always been hand writing notes and re-writing them. Flash cards never worked. You have to find what works for you, just like in “real life” I have to make a to-do list at work and for the grocery store or I will forget things


    @livealittle I'm getting about 7 hours of sleep every night. I feel pretty rested. I've been trying to eat better over the past week. I think I'm good there.

    @jm962011 yeah I don't really rock with the flash cards either. good advice on making a to-do list there!

    FAR - 75 (2/25/16)
    AUD - 80 (4/8/16)
    REG - 80 (6/10/16)
    BEC - 79 (7/19/16)

    You only get one shot with the spirit bomb.


    I had a really tough time remembering things in college. I have been taking vitamins called Brain and Focus by a company named Rainbow Light. It's only been two weeks but I do feel a huge difference when studying. They have helped me concentrate a lot better on what I'm reading and my memory has improved a lot too. I did my research on vitamins and I wanted to find something natural that would not through my body off balance. I suggest that you do some research and check them out. The reviews are pretty awesome.

    BEC-July 2016
    REG-August 2016
    FAR-October 2016
    AUD-Nov/Dec 2016


    This brain vitamin supplement has 6k+ reviews.

    I have been taking Ginkgo Smart for over two years. Perhaps I should switch now so as to focus and reenergize better.



    I've been taking these for about 3 months. They're expensive, but I feel they help me focus more and keep me from getting distracted while reading. Heard about them from listening to Joe Rogan podcasts and decided to try them after checking out some of the reviews. Maybe it's just my subconscious thinking they're helping me, but I passed FAR after I started using them and will continue to buy them as long as I keep passing these exams lol.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Joe Rogan is an interesting dude.


    I like staying organic instead of taking pills I have also been eating foods for memory. Any berries, especially blueberries, I like them dried. Spinach and salmon. A little avocado, I just don't really like it but is supposed to help. And turmeric powder, which tastes like pepper, I put some in water, like an 1/8 of teaspoon it is strong and tastes gross with a little honey. I always try to associate what I just read with real life, for example “control environment” people at the top like to control the tone of the environment. Control activities, to control people's activities we create policies and procedures. Sometimes I even draw a picture if I can think of something physical to draw and it relates.


    Jeff, I never realized how smart he was until I started listening to his podcast. He gets into some deep conversations with scientists and scholars and he can hold his own, which really surprised me since I always knew him as the UFC commentator who used to host Fear Factor. His podcasts with Graham Hancock are really interesting and make you think about how everything we've learned about ancient history might not be true. Rogan also introduced me to float therapy, which is pretty amazing, but I haven't done it in a while.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29

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