MCQs Now or when done?

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  • #2919042

    My FAR exam is 03/06/2020 I completed 52% of Wiley so far. (don’t feel confident) Should I finish the video lectures and then do MCQS or should I start doing MCQs and continue watching the lectures? I have a ninja subscription of which I’m using the ninja audio. I’m overwhelmed and feel so unprepared but can’t change my date. Thank You!

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  • #2919081

    I just did end of chapter mcqs/sims and took practice tests on NINJA after I went through all the lectures.
    All in all, I averaged about 2,000+ MCQs & 100 SIMs per section.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    I just took FAR January 17th and it was my first exam in over 5 years. I studied for 12 weeks and averaged about 1000 multiple choice questions and no sims. I figured that if I knew the concepts then I could tackle the sims on exam day. Do the best that you can and make sure you know governmental and NFP like the back of your hand. They are heavily tested! You got this!

    BEC- 75
    AUD - 83
    REG - 76 (Expired 2/28/14)
    FAR - 53 66

    Becker Self Study

    John CPA

    Jombe, could you tell how you studied in much detail as you please. I would really like to get high grades like you! Thanks


    Honestly, Wiley's FAR MCQs suck.

    I'm doing them now, and they're always either WAY too easy, or trying WAY too hard to throw curveballs that prob won't even be on the exam. Some of them are also outdated, like Goodwill questions are still on the old 2-step process (it's now single step, Carrying Value minus Fair Value). Speaking of Goodwill, Pam keeps talks about using a “decomposition” diagram to calculate Goodwill. But in dozens of questions on the topic, I've used it maybe only 3 or 4 times. There is SUCH a mis-match between what's in the lessons and what the MCQs ask.

    My recommendation is just jump straight to the MCQs. Even if it's a chapter you don't feel confident in, just do the MCQs. If you suck at them and really don't feel good, then watch the vid lecture at 1.25x speed. After that, just move on. With this little time, do NOT stay long on any single subject. Just keep cranking the MCQs, reading their explanations, and watch vids if you really don't get it.

    I would also recommend watching other vids on Youtube because Wiley's lectures are hit and miss. Edspira has been my lifesaver many times.


    DocJ I have Gleim test bank too. I do lectures at 1.5 for PAM and 1.75 for Donald Deis

    I feel so unprepared 🙁 My NTS expires 04/10 (I'm taking AUD that day) so I cant postpone neither. Procrastination. Rant over.

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