Looking for some advice.

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  • #198912

    I just received a 72 on FAR which was heartbreaking to say the least. My becker materials for FAR expired on exam day and I only have my Audit materials extended until Febuary 6th (my scheduled audit exam day).

    I felt really prepared for the FAR exam and I felt like I only really ran into issues when it came to the SIMS (didn’t leave nearly enough time).

    I have REG and BEC passed, and my BEC expires 5/31/2015. I am looking for advice on what I should do next as I was not planning on failing this exam. If you were in my shoes, would you study for Audit using the extended becker materials and attempt FAR April 1st or would you continue to study for FAR (with purchase of new materials) and move the audit test date back?

    This is sort of my last resort and I’m just looking for any help I can get at this point… sorry for the long winded post and thank you in advance for any feedback.

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  • #751326

    I also received a 72 on my FAR exam. What I did is move onto the next test (BEC) and take that. I then came back to FAR as if it was a new test and bumped my score 12 points. Sometimes getting away from it is the best thing you can do and if you pass AUD that's a huge momentum boost.

    AUD - 83
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 86


    Thanks RJ. I guess I am just worried about forgeting all of the FAR information that I worked so hard to get down if I start studying for Audit.


    I was too. It was 2 months of studying for BEC and working full time before I even touched the FAR material. You'll forget some of the material and other material will come back like riding a bicycle. I really believe it allows you to step away and attack it fresh and really understand the concepts much better.

    AUD - 83
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 86

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