Let's be honest – We're all here to procrastinate

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  • #173205

    I’m currently in the middle of studying for what (what I hope) is my last exam – FAR.

    As the exam date approaches I find myself getting more and more behind on studying, not to mention very unmotivated to look at anything even remotely accounting related. I’ve given up on my naive notions of being a super-studier and knowing everything going into the exams, which was my strategy for the first exam.

    Now I just want a 75 and want it to be done with as minimal effort as possible. Knowing everything is impossible. Trying to memorize every rule, exception, anagram, etc. is beyond me.

    The result of all this though is that I find myself addicted to this website and scrolling through random posts… Recently it hit me that I’m not actually looking for anything in particular – I’m just procrastinating. I figured I’d start a thread for everyone whose also taking the CPA Exam and has finally admitted to themselves the truth… You came to this sight to waste time. Nothing more. Nothing less!

    BEC - 89 (5/31/2012)
    AUD - 88 (7/02/2012)
    REG - 76 (7/31/2012)
    FAR - 83 (8/30/2012)

    "Amateurs practice until they can get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."

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  • #675833

    You do so at your own peril…

    Texas-licensed CPA


    I admit i'm guilty of this, i'm hoping it didn't cost me a pass on my final exam.

    FAR 93
    AUD 89
    REG 81
    BEC 87
    Ethics 100

    Becker 2012 Self-Study


    I'm doing it right now and I take what is hopefully my last exam tomorrow at 5:30. I feel like I should be studying but I've been doing progress tests and making mid 90's are better on all of them, so I really don't know what else to do.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90


    I remember spending many hours on here when I should have been studying. I did okay though. We're here because this place keeps us sane throughout this process.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    I'm suddenly embarrassed as I realize that “are” in my above post should have been “or”. I'm not sure how I screwed that one up.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90


    Perhaps more embarrassing is that I didn't even notice until you pointed out your mistake! =)-

    I've been thinking lately about what the conversation must have been like when someone thought up the CPA Exam….

    One: “I think we should make a certification for Accountants – some type of initiation to let the world know how bad-ass they are”

    Two: “That sounds genius! You mean like a fraternity, where they have to go through a hazing process to prove that they're worthy of being one of us?

    One: “Exactly, because that's never gone horribly wrong!”

    Two: “So what were you thinking? Have them cover themselves in honey and wrestle wild Grizzly Bears?”

    One: “No… Some of them may potentially come out of that without any scars.”

    Two: “True, true. So you want scars that people can see? What about tattoos?”

    One: “Nah, those can be removed and tend to fade with time… We need to instill some emotional scars that will stay with them the rest of their lives.”

    Two: “Brilliant! Let's make an exam that is absolutely impossible to pass with any reasonable amount of sanity left!”

    One: “Even better – let's make 4 of them!!”

    The End

    BEC - 89 (5/31/2012)
    AUD - 88 (7/02/2012)
    REG - 76 (7/31/2012)
    FAR - 83 (8/30/2012)

    "Amateurs practice until they can get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."



    Why would you come in here and rain all over my happy parade? Of course I do so at my own peril… Who else would be in peril from my slacking off when studying?

    Besides – I wrote that at ~1am when I was insanely tired and my eyes were blood-shot from lack of sleep. “Misery loves company.” I wasn't necessarily looking for unsolicited advice or lecture, but rather a commiserate amount of sympathy from someone who was feeling the same way.

    I'm sorry that the CPA Exam seems to have sucked out your sense of humor. Perhaps you should have adopted my strategy and tried to relax more! =D

    BEC - 89 (5/31/2012)
    AUD - 88 (7/02/2012)
    REG - 76 (7/31/2012)
    FAR - 83 (8/30/2012)

    "Amateurs practice until they can get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."


    I was just being a smart@ss…I like happy parades too.

    Texas-licensed CPA


    Haha – I'm glad to hear it! Welcome to the parade!!

    (Although, admittedly, since the newest comments are automatically posted at the bottom of the thread, it seems to resemble more of a Conga line than parade…)

    BEC - 89 (5/31/2012)
    AUD - 88 (7/02/2012)
    REG - 76 (7/31/2012)
    FAR - 83 (8/30/2012)

    "Amateurs practice until they can get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."


    I also come here mostly because this site gets updated 10,000 times more frequently than my state board. When I'm both waiting for a score and not wanting to study for the next part, I justify reading “new” content online about the CPA exam. When studying (or attempting to), you can justify about anything.


    I remember seeing this years ago and have been trying to find it since…the genius post by NapkinThief about the “conversation” in making the exam LOL

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    Yeah sad but true….just looking for the courage to get started. Motivation, positive thinking, why am I going through this torture? ( career, money?)….Ohhh the pressure, pressure.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I'll admit it. I take short mental breaks between some of the Becker lectures… I usually end up here just to browse through the newest replies. 🙂 It keeps me sane!

    REG - 86 (4/11/15)
    BEC - 92 (5/29/15)
    AUD - 99 (7/23/15)
    FAR - 89 (11/23/15) It's over!!!
    >> Becker Self Study


    @ law

    Thank you for bringing this post to the light. I needed the laugh 🙂

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