Just started in Public Accounting

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    I just started in public accounting as a staff auditor and i am completely confused about whats going on. I feel like an incompetent idiot going into work everyday. The training is hands on and its good training and i like everyone at my firm its just im scared that im not living up to my full potential or at least to the standards of my partners. Is this a typical feeling for a new staff at any firm? How was your experience during first year? Also im a bit confused about when busy season for auditors are because ive been doing nothing in my cube but look at work papers and try to understand things?

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  • #634803

    Starting in public is kinda like sitting for the CPA, if you think you're awesome you probably failed πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, the learning curve is steep, just about everyone feels like an idiot the first few months, with less and less frequency of such feelings as time moves on [note: feeling like an idiot now and then never goes away! haha]

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    It's been a LONG time and I still remember feeling like an idiot… πŸ™‚ I also remember trying to not show my annoyance with newer staff as I progressed. The fact is we've all been there, so remember that! Next year you'll be showing the new hires the ropes.

    It is a fine line balancing when and what to ask questions about. I'd say listen carefully, take notes and then ask questions like “how long should this take me?” if you don't already know. I think that is good to know,,, Also I'd try to batch your questions. Do as much as you can and take notes of all your questions then you can only “bother” your in-charge once with all your questions. Good luck!!

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    I started a year ago and imho things don't really begin to click until busy season. Not sure if you're on one big client or a few smaller ones, but I spent my first few months bouncing around among multiple engagement teams, doing random, unrelated testwork for each. Once busy season hits you start to see things from start to finish, and have a better understanding of why you're doing everything you're doing. Plus simple things like ticking and tying just take a little time to get used to. I think you'll be surprised how much you'll know 6 months from now. I wouldn't worry, everyone in public accounting feels lost their first few months.


    I'm headed into my fourth year in public and seriously spent the first 6 months thinking I would be fired. The learning curve from textbook accounting to public is huge. It does get easier and I think it's pretty normal to feel lost at the beginning. Hang in there it will get better. πŸ™‚


    I just entered into public accounting and I'm almost 2 months into it. Everyone is very understanding that it takes time to get adapted to the environment. Plus they keep telling me it takes about 6 months before you can truly be “on your own” with out that much assistance. There is plenty of downtime since it's not busy season and I feel like I'm useless at times, but they keep saying to study at my desk so I can't argue with that πŸ˜€


    I can definitely relate. The first few months are going to be super stressful. Just try not to let it get to you and remember that pretty much all of the new hires are going through the same thing,


    Thank you all for your inout. I'm glad that i am not the only one who feels this way.

    @acamp thats a good point and i never really looked at it that way.

    good point as well.. I have my legal pad that i carry with me to ask all my questions in bulk. Also, I never asked how long does it take to do something but now i will . I try to figure everything out on my own at first and sometimes that takes hours but i'll start to ask


    I just started last month as well I feel like one of the partners would just pull me into their office and let me go lol. Everyone is so helpful though, and I appreciate all the help they give me. As what people previously said take lots of notes and don't be afraid to ask questions because they been there too. My short term goal for now is to make it through busy season lol!


    I'm going to start in a couple weeks, feeling so nervous! But it's nice to know that others are feeling the same :

    Btw, how was everyone's first month on the job in terms of work hours? I have training at the end of October, so I'm not sure what I'll be doing til then since my start date is 2 weeks before training. I'm sitting for REG right after my 1st week at work, so if there's time to study on the job that would be damn awesome! I'm really worried about how I'll be able to wrap up studying for REG while starting work πŸ™

    7/14 FAR β˜‘
    8/14 AUD β˜‘
    10/14 REG β˜‘
    1/15 BEC


    Remember that anxiety and have some empathy as you progress in your career. The most cathartic moment in my first year was when my director came up to me and asked me how I was feeling. I admitted how horrible I felt and she assured me it would all start to make sense….

    Her simple reassurance and the ability to relate to staff level associates was one of the best managerial skills a higher level public accountant could possess.


    Same thing here as I started in January 2014 at a small 7 person firm. Great people, but I definitely had my head spinning as I graduated in 2011 from a smaller school that had no recruiting. During downtime I still feel like I'm being useless and boss is always complaining about billable hours need to increase. Boss is nice but he just vents in general so I try not to be seen too much because like others have said I feel like my head is on the chopping block daily even though it's not.

    FAR - 44,15,36,37, Retake Feb 2015
    REG - April 2015
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD


    All I can say… Baptism by Fire. My first day I counted cars doing inventory for a three lot dealership. 2nd -6th day they had me filling out personal property tax reports. A week after I started they showed me how to use the tax software. The next day they handed me my first tax return and the return from 2012. “Make 2012 look like 2013.” I almost had a panic attack. I roughed so many of those first returns up it took the partner longer to review them and undo all the inappropriate changes I made in the software than to just enter the info from scratch.

    Now almost a year later I feel much more competent, although I still lack tons of knowledge, but as my confidence is growing I am ready for tax season number two, and a lot less mistakes.

    you will likely feel overwhelmed at first, hang in there, most people have the same baptism by fire. This is an on the job training kind of career. But it is worth it.

    FAR 10/18/14... 82
    REG 11/18/14... 87
    AUD 01/06/15... 71 Grrr 5/06/2015 ... 73 Doh 7/13/15 ... 69 Ack 11/18/15 ... 86!!!
    BEC 02/07/15... 79


    I'm almost 4 years in and the feeling you describe is completely normal for new hires. Our profession is weird like that. It's miserable when you're a new hire and don't know what's going on or WHY you do stuff, but as time progresses you'll get it.

    Accounting is one of those things….one day it just all starts to “click” and you get better and better. I think that happened to me at about 2-2.5 years in where I actually started enjoying my work because it started making sense. I've done audit, tax and internal audit. I've learned that I enjoy tax and working with small businesses so that's where I'm going to hang my hat for now.

    Keep your head up. Before long you will be feeling much better! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS from your seniors/managers/partners and start learning WHY you do things. That will help bring clarity!

    F - 7/31/14 - PASSED
    A - 8/30/14 - PASSED
    R - 2/12/14 - PASSED
    B - 11/30/14 - PASSED


    Just wanted to bring this topic back up. It has been 2 years since this topic was last discussed. So the reason I searched this is because today at work I was confused on what i was doing.. to summarize my issue: the client did not book accrued interest- related party and I think I booked an M-1 adjustment which was throwing my return off. Then the senior reviewed it and explained it to me.. I didnt get the first time and had him explained it twice and I still didnt get it but dont wanna be annoying so I just nod my head.

    Anyone ever experienced this? I feel so stupid at work sometimes. I only been working for roughly 5 months and this was a 2nd year client FYI. Any senior tax reviewer out there? Suggestions on what I could do next time? Thanks.


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