Is it possible to take REG and FAR in the same testing window and pass?

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  • #1553937

    Hey everyone,

    So I’m trying to plan out when to take REG and FAR since my 18 month’s is up next March. Seems like I have plenty of time, but with the limited score release dates, and just in case I fail an exam, I feel otherwise. Also, I don’t feel confident about either REG or FAR….

    I’m gonna start studying for REG in a couple weeks and just scheduled to sit for REG Aug 4th. Is that too late? I work at MOST 20 hours a week, so finding the time to study isn’t the issue here. I don’t know a thing about tax as I never learned anything in college since my professor curved everyone’s score. So I never showed up to class, never did the homework, only showed up on exam days, failed, and he gave everyone a C. Figured I’d spend my time on classes where the professors DIDN’T curve… lol.

    Also, due to the limited seating for REG, I figured I’d schedule my FAR exam now as well, so I just scheduled FAR for Sep 8th. I originally wanted to sit for FAR in Oct or Nov, since that would give me about 12 weeks or so to study for FAR (starting Aug 4th), but then I was thinking about how I wouldn’t get my score til Dec 22nd and should probably take advantage of this next testing window. So now I’m considering giving myself less time to study for REG. Is that a good idea given my circumstances?

    Am I giving myself too much time to study for REG? Should I sit in July instead? Kinda hard to know when I’ll be ready when I haven’t started studying the material yet.

    Should I stick to my original plan and take FAR in Oct/Nov? Or should I sit for REG sooner than I was planning (like July) in order to give myself enough time to study for FAR? Would it be a good idea to leave my exam dates as is and study for both at the same time? (LOL. Probably not.)

    Should I give myself 6-8 weeks to study for each section (REG – July 10th; FAR – Sep 8th) or 10-12 weeks (REG – Aug 4th; FAR – Oct 30th)? Not sure which one to reschedule…. There’s pros and cons to both.

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  • #1553980

    My REG and FAR dates were 8 weeks apart in Q1, and I passed both. I studied REG first for about 7 weeks (I had very minimal tax experience and only one tax class in college), took the test, and immediately started working on FAR. There is no need to study both at the same time. You will need to be very committed to daily study and giving up most of your weekends to get through the material, but it is possible. Take one at the very beginning of the window and one at the very end and you can make it happen

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    It is possible to take and pass both in the same testing window but I can't imagine allowing 3 mos of studying for REG but only 5 weeks for FAR. If you truly believe you need that much time for REG, its highly unlikely 1/3 the amount of studying will be sufficient for FAR.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Since you're only working a max of 20 hours a week, I think it would be very possible. I started studying REG a week ago and am sitting July 3rd, and I work 50-60 hours a week. I'm also trying to squeeze in BEC sometime in August. I would say after REG, start starting FAR and schedule it for the end of the testing window. If it gets to be closer and you don't feel prepared, then push FAR back to the next quarter.

    But the decision is completely up to you. Only you know if you will be totally prepared or not.


    with plenty of time to study, I think you will be able to sit REG in mid July and then sit FAR in September before the testing window closes… This way by September 22nd you will know where you stand on both and will have plenty of time to retake if need be. I agree that 5 weeks doesn't seem enough to prep for FAR.


    I passed both REG and FAR in Q4 last year. They were both retakes however I reset my stats and did the full review and completed all MCQ over again for both of them. I think with your work schedule and lots of perseverance, it is completely doable.


    I took all 4 in same testing window and passed them all on first try. With hard work it is possibile!


    Yes, took REG on 1/9 and FAR on 3/6. Passed both. They were both retakes, but I hadn't taken FAR in over a year.

    You need to schedule them so you can study the entire dead month and take the first one in the first few weeks of the testing period and the second test on the last few weeks. I work full time in corporate FP&A. Significant other but no kids.

    FAR: 39,59,TBD
    BEC: 74,79
    AUD: 77
    REG: September


    @mla11692 I can't imagine allowing 3 months of studying for REG but only 5 weeks for FAR either. Hence why I wrote this question in the first place to see if I should sit for one section or both in this next testing window. If I were to sit for both, I would need to reschedule REG to an earlier date (mid-July). If I were to sit for one, I would need to reschedule FAR to a later date (Oct 30th). I was trying to see if I should give myself 8 weeks or 12 weeks to study for each section. Please read questions in their entirety from beginning to end before responding.


    Thanks for responding guys. After thinking about it, I decided it would be possible to take them both given my situation. So I just rescheduled my REG exam for July 14th. Thank the Lord there was an opening! =D That gives me exactly 8 weeks to study for both! I'm so glad there was an opening! The thought of possibly being done by Sep 22nd just excites me. And having two testing windows in case I do have to deal with retakes give me less anxiety. Obviously the goal is to pass the first time and not have to retake a section, so I'm gonna have to study really hard, put all distractions to the side, and stay positive. Believe and achieve! It can happen!

    Good luck studying!


    I think that time frame would work for both exams. The problem with allowing more than 8 or so weeks is the law of diminishing returns.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Hmmm, after taking AUD today I'm re-evaluating my decision to take both REG and FAR in Q3. I'm actually considering taking FAR and only FAR in Q3. I absolutely loved studying for audit (yes I'm crazy lol), but I was so upset today when I took the exam and the SIMS had calculations that I didn't know how to do cause I've been out of school for 4+ years, nor does the job I have help me with this exam at all. So…. I'm considering taking FAR just so I can get the basics down. I've been reading other posts on here comparing REG and FAR and which one should be taken first, and it seems like FAR is considered the hardest mainly due to the amount of material, not necessarily the material itself. (Which makes me feel a little better about FAR). I'm also seeing people say to take FAR first because it gives you a foundation for the other sections. After taking BEC and AUD, I could attest to that because I failed BEC three times because I focused all my attention on the MCQ's and didn't even consider the WC's since I had no idea how to answer these questions that had nothing to do with the material I studied – BEC! Pissed me off! Third time I just wrote some BS and luckily I passed. Same thing goes for the SIMS on today's AUD exam – completed unrelated to AUD! >:-( I'd hate to have the same experience with REG and fail because I lacked the knowledge to do the SIMS, which are clearly the heart of the exam. The goal is to pass these the first time! If I get my AUD score back and failed, then at least by August I'll have taken FAR and could re-sit for AUD and be confident about killing those SIMS.

    Hmmm, What do you guys think?


    Take FAR-Aud-BEC-REG in this order. At least you are done with BEC. FAR info trickle down to AUD. FAR skill and AUD does trickle down to BEC. The REG is their own world almost. Or for some people you can take REG first then FAR, AUD, BEC.

    I passed all of my exam in the same testing window.


    @ Jonathan Huggins

    Congratulations on your completion of the CPA exams, all on the first try and testing window, that is certainly something!

    May I ask your choice of review course/plan if possible?


    I bought used 2016 roger book, cram course, and flash card on eBay all for $450. I did not use flash card much. I would read the book materials through first time. Then take note for key information in the book. Then relied on ninja mcq by going through every questions by clicking on new questions. Then once I was done then I went through the cram book and did mix questions from ninja. On the weak area sometime I do a focused blitz on weak section. Then I keep doing a well balanced quiz section and let the program hit me with more weak area.

    The key is blitz them at any opportunity through out the day. If you have 20 min then choose the 5 or 10 questions mix.


    Thank you Jonathan, I appreciate your input, and I will most definitely hammer out as much as I can. I hear good things about Roger also. I am on the fence as people seem to mention that Gleim MCQs/SIMs are the best way to go with the current CPA exam, but will likely use them as a supplement. All the best.

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