Interruptions while studying are the worst - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #195043

    Finally got the motivation to begin studying & deep in thought, and then bam! my mom decides to knock loudly on my door & barge in for the most trivial reason when she knows I am studying. i completely flipped out, she’s either saying i study too much & need to go out or that I study too little whenever she see’s me relaxing

    called off the night of studying as a result. i know she just wants the best from me, but once I get interrupted I lose it sometimes. I bet some of you have varying degrees of this problem /rant

    REG 68,87
    BEC 85
    FAR 75
    AUD 64,64, 86!

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  • Author
  • #675485

    I can totally relate. Interruptions make the study process take so much longer. I'm lucky that my husband usually takes the initiative to drive himself and our 6 year old to his mom's house to hang out most weekends. It sucks, but he realizes how important this is. Can't wait to be done and have my weekends back 🙁

    REG - 86 (4/11/15)
    BEC - 92 (5/29/15)
    AUD - 99 (7/23/15)
    FAR - 89 (11/23/15) It's over!!!
    >> Becker Self Study


    You let Megan Fox touch you with those thumbs?

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