In your opinion, which exam has been the easiest? - Page 2

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  • #161069

    I thought BEC was relatively easy, even though I received a better score on REG. After taking BEC I knew I passed it…I didn’t know if I passed or failed after taking REG. I have heard AUD wasn’t too bad either…Any thoughts?

    BEC - 88 (MAY 2011)
    REG - 91 (MAY 2011)
    AUD - 90 (July 2011)
    FAR -(TBD)

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  • #291220

    Easy to me is memorization and theory. I hate calculations and JEs.

    AUD was the easiest considering I don't have any Auditing experience, studied the least out of all of them, and got my best score.

    REG wasn't bad in 2009 because I have experience with tax and the written communications saved me. Now REG is a whole other beast with those impossible sims and I AM VERY SCARED.

    I totally underestimated BEC the first time but the second time, I thought I'd score much better than I did.

    FAR was the hardest for me to study and pass.



    Audit – Easiest

    BEC – Weren't bad

    REG – Thought were extremely tough


    REG – Unlike most people I thought they were doable

    BEC – Writing stuff was a breeze

    Audit – So hit or miss. I struggled pretty bad on these.


    Sounds like the general consensus is that BEC isn't too bad, which makes me happy since that's my last one (if I passed REG the other day which could have gone either way).

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!

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