If you're sitting the first of January, what's your holiday study schedule?

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    I’m trying to plan which section next, but wondering if anyone has any tips or advice about how much you can actually get done around the holidays, especially for those of us in charge of large dinners, holiday gatherings, extended family travel over the river and through the woods, etc.

    I think I’ve figured out that ideally I have about a three-week short term memory retention before I have to start restudying material I’ve already covered. I want to plan so that I don’t have to be studying over the holidays, but I don’t exactly know the best plan. Any help is appreciated.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88

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    not sure yet…have to tell the hubby I failed REG again. In my defense, he has been out of town, but still I am avoiding it. hahahaha

    Even still, I will probably allow time off for the holiday. I haven't done that in the past, but I am hoping that it is the only exam left. I guess if I get bad news next week, then I will have to change my approach. If REG is the only exam left, then I will take Christmas day off, and then at New Years also. We might be roadtripping it to a friends lake house.

    For me, I will make an effort to get all my studying done during the day, so that I can squeeze in some family time. My oldest will be home from college.

    It really is a struggle to fit in studying over the holidays. Hard not to feel like the Grinch πŸ™‚

    How is your hubby about you studying? Will he be ok, if you have to duck out early on dinner, etc? I think that is a consideration/barometer of how far you can go. Hope that makes sense! GL πŸ™‚



    oops! okay, not even studying but I am still out of it! I am not sitting the first week of January. I am planning to sit 1/14/11. But all depends on Mr. Audit.



    Hubby would be fine with it. He's more of a bad influence (saying, “Let's just watch one episode of Community” or whatever) than unsupportive, which I guess is actually unsupportive in its way.

    My main thing is that fighting through cancer with your mom and then losing the battle changes your perspective, and I find myself thinking, “This is the holiday, and if you don't sit until February instead of January it really doesn't matter, but if your Dad dies next year (he's 70) and this is the last Christmas you get with him and you wasted it studying, you'd regret it the rest of your life.” Overly dramatic, I know, but it really is a good thing to try to keep your perspective, which seems hard for me when I spend so many days with my face in these books that I literally don't know if it's Tuesday or Thursday. I realize I must strike a balance.

    I'm really just trying to figure out if I take off a few days for Christmas, what that will do to my short-term memory retention (because my long-term is completely shot) and how many days I should allot to review before I sit (I think 5 days of review is a minimum if I've taken off time), and how much it will increase my overall hours for that section. I'm working on a tight schedule since my NTS expires 2/3.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88



    Spending time with the family during the holidays is very important to me as well.

    That been said, I was not expecting to fail FAR and scheduled in mid October a week out with the family….so I am now re-studying and taking the test on 1/16. So far, my plan is to finish all lectures and homework on or before 12/22. Then, take my notes and the Wiley book with my to DC and NYC during the holiday week 12/23-1/1 ;-(. I am not taking my computer with me…Then coming back 1/2 and work on Wiley test bank until 1/15. I didn't want to schedule the test before the 16 because I am not sure how relax my brain is going to get during those days out lol.

    In summary the plan is;

    11/28-12/22 lectures, notes and homework

    12/23-1/1 re-write notes and Wiley book mcq's based on Yaeger CRAM recommended

    1/2-1/15 FInal review and lots of MCQ's with Wiley test bank and Becker's progress tests

    Good Luck!!

    Done πŸ˜‰
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....



    I am so sorry about your Mom. I can totally understand your trepidation going forward. It sounds like you know what you need to do. I know for me, if I take days off, it will mean that I do “something” besides mcq's, probably writing or reading notes…that being said, I think Marivy22 has a really good idea. I agree with you that perspective is key. I think that we can all be reminded of that. I forgot to ask you but which exam are you thinking of taking next?


    I am curious, about how many hours each day will you set aside to rewrite notes on your “off” week?


    I'm planning to put 2-4 hours on weekdays and honestly 0 on weekends πŸ˜‰

    Done πŸ˜‰
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    For me I will be studying all holiday season, I think each person has to decide what works best for them and their family situation and katie it sounds like you have had some pretty hard battles so to go at your own pace is what matters. My husband is ready for me to have this done so I have made a 90 day challenge to myself and during that 90 days every free moment I have for the most part will be spent studying…I am hoping once this time is over come the end of February I will be done with this and then I can move on.

    Good luck to you Katie!


    Wait, what? The holidays are coming up? Oh yeah, that's right, I'll be face down in my BEC book. There's always next year for holidays!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Well I've kind of planned the month of December and January out already. I planned on not studying much this weekend or next. Then the only other days I'm taking off from studying will be Christmas and New Year's Day. Other than that I'll be studying pretty much everyday between now and January 17th. I want to be done with this!!

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    Hi Katie,

    I am taking the holidays off from studying, but wanted to chime in and tell you just to make sure you set a holiday schedule you can stick to. As cliche as that sounds, you have to be realistic with yourself when you will and won't be able to study. I took FAR the Monday after Thanksgiving and had this grand final review planned. We were out of town visiting my family and with all the help I was going to have with the kids, I knew I could get a lot done. Well, as it turned out, it was hard to choose studying over chilling with the fam or all the fun card games, etc. we play. So if you're anything like me, just make sure you make a schedule you can actually stick to! And most of all, good luck!

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