How to study without power or Internet?

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  • #853074
    Porma Fierles

    So I have the divine fortune of experiencing Hurricane Matthew this week. The locals warned me to expect loss of electricity and obviously internet access. I have my becker book for REG and Ninja MCQ for REG, but man going 2-4 days possibly without reliable power or internet. What would be a good way to study? I imagine I will just read the book over and over and over. Unfortunately, I only have practice questions from the online ninja mcq and my book has a paltry 100 questions within the text.

    Advice is appreciated! Besides the tech limitations I have enough to ride out this surprise weather.

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  • #853089

    Well…if you had more time, you could get a second book with more questions (i. e. Wiley – it has enough questions to be stand-alone for MCQs, though I don't like the written format when a computer one is available), but I'm guessing getting another book in this short of time would be a challenge.

    You could download audio to an iPod that has long battery life and listen to it through earbuds for variety as long as the batteries last.

    Note taking and making your own flashcards is another way to get some more variety. Neither one was really my style, but can at least give you variety! 🙂

    Porma Fierles

    True. My REG exam I am studying for is Oct 13. I did not buy audio though and yeah getting a book now may not make sense. Heck if I am bored enough I can make my own audio notes and play them back if I have enough battery for it. Thanks.


    Go to Barnes and Nobles and buy a Wiley or Gleim book.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)

    Porma Fierles

    Are you talking about the wiley test bank or study guide? Also, holy moly why is gleim a lot more expensive than wiley?!


    I'm talking about the actual physical book. I couldn't find 2016.

    and here is 2016 Wiley

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)

    Porma Fierles

    Oh OK. You like wiley's textbooks more than becker or you're saying that if I read wiley it will help me get more practice? BTW this is gleim

    Porma Fierles

    Crap nevermind, the barnes and nobles near me has no in store stock of the books


    Pssst, look to the right 😉

    good luck with the storm!

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Yikes! Good luck with the storm. As other suggested these are things that don't require internet power

    *reading the book and taking notes/making flashcards
    *rewriting NINJA notes
    *are you able to print questions from NINJA MCQ?

    That's all I can think of, but honestly rewriting NINJA notes should take about 9-10hrs (I did about 10 pages in an hour). Then you could make flashcards from the NINJA notes which is very time consuming too. Probably another 10hours. I passed REG with flashcards actually. I turned it all into flashcards and memorized them all! Plus your test is coming up soon!

    Porma Fierles

    Yeah do you think the ninja notes are superior to a textbook?


    I think they have different objectives. The purpose of the textbook is to go over everything, the purpose of the NINJA notes is to go over the most tested/most common topics on the test. But since you will be without power for so long why not read the textbook and copy down the notes?


    Without internet isn't so bad. Without electricity to run the laptop would be the tricky part. I hope you have flashlights and extra batteries to read at night.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    Oh OK. You like wiley’s textbooks more than becker or you’re saying that if I read wiley it will help me get more practice?

    In case you're interested in looking at stores further away for the Wiley book…there's 2 reasons that I would recommend the Wiley book over the Becker book for this situation especially (the big, nearly-1000-page book, not the “focus notes” or any of the other slimmed-down versions):

    1. It has lots of MCQs and SIMs in it. I pulled up the book on Amazon and it doesn't list a specific figure for REG, but says there's 3,800 MCQs for all 4 of the Wiley study guides (AUD, FAR, BEC, and REG), so I'd say around 1,000 MCQs in the REG book. Given that your Becker book only has 100, the additional MCQs alone would be valuable for internet-free studying.

    2. The Wiley book is one of the most thorough book-based study resources. I've heard Gleim is pretty good, too, but haven't heard as much about it as Wiley, and only have personal experience with Wiley. The Becker book, on the other hand, seems to be more of a supplemental resource that's generally not very valuable to most people. However, that may be because they don't really give it a fair shot; you'll definitely be giving it a shot this time around! 🙂 But, based on what I've seen people saying about the Becker book, it sounds like the Wiley book would be better as a comprehensive study resource (it's only in the last couple years that Wiley has merged with CPAExcel and added videos to their lineup; before that, the books were a stand-alone course, so they're still able to be used as a stand-alone course, albeit a dry and boring one).

    Porma Fierles

    Thanks all. Its coming soon! At this point I'll just hang on to my becker book and internet as long as I can. And of course, not get hurt.


    reading my Becker AUD book by candlelight last winter during a snowstorm was the most romantic experience i had studying for the CPA exam.

    i felt like galileo or einstein or one of those old pre-electricity scientists labouring over their PhD @ night lolol

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