I tried the whole workout thing. Sometimes, I would be so tired from working out, but by the time I get home, shower, eat, I'd feel energized and ready to start studying. Usually that only lasts a few hours (2-4) and then I want to nap. The bad thing about that, is that I get a lot of studying done in the mornings, but if I don't go workout in the morning, I will not go later… I haven't been to the gym in 2.5 weeks, except the weekend. I feel lazy b/c I'm not working out, and I SHOULD feel good about studying, but I am still behind……. makes me wonder, is working out for a break really a good thing if i'm still behind my study schedule? decisions, decisions… i'm no good at them
BEC - 65 (4/10), 83 (8/10)
AUD - 64 (10/10), 73 (2/11), 93 (8/11)
REG - 47 (7/09), 80 (10/11)
FAR - 84 (11/11) Texas. I'm done!!!