How to stay awake to study? - Page 5

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  • #1756348

    I need to figure out a way to stay awake during the weekdays to study.

    this is my schedule-

    Work – 8am to 5pm or sometimes 6pm or 7pm
    6pm or 7pm to 8pm — Get home and take care of pets (go for a walk etc) Arrive home back from the park
    8pm to 9:15pm –Feed pets, eat dinner, rest, watch tv
    Get ready to study
    Study or TRY TO STUDY 9:15pm to 12am (this lasted a week)

    usually now by 10:40pm im falling asleep
    and then it starts all over again
    Wake up at 6am most of the time 6:40am…
    Get ready and make it to work at 8am

    Start cycle all over again.

    Every time I pick up the FAR book i fall asleep, i tried reading the other books but i dont have the attention span to do it.
    I force myself to AT LEAST do something before sleeping, even if its one paragraph.

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  • Author
  • #1759570

    Also download the audio on your phone or ipod (if people still use those?) you can be listening to audio while walking the dog. I listened while I was folding laundry, walking my two dogs, working in the yard, commuting and even listened in bed hoping subconsciously I was picking up info in my sleep. Nearly 1/3 of my study time was listening to audio while doing other things that did not require tons of concentration.

    You can still find time for other things (although I think its beyond adorable that you think studying for the exam with kids is sending them off to do something quiet like homework while you study). I was sitting outside freezing my butt off at football and lacross games with a book and a blanket in my lap, or studying in doctor/dentist office waiting rooms. I fit it in wherever I could. But I watched my favorite tv shows, enjoyed time with my family and had plenty of homework from school when I got home from work too.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    This thread was a nice distraction from BEC mcqs.LOL @aspencookie I hope you find what works for you!


    No updates from @aspen?? 🙁


    I want updates, aspencookie !! I am serious !!


    A tip from my experience would be, it’s not the quantity of hours but more importantly the quality you put in each hour. I was lucky enough for my apartment complex to have a public co fervency room where it was quite most of the time. I spent weekdays from 8pm-1am M-F and most of my weekends. I passed 3 sections in 5 months that way while doing my full time job. It’s doable if you are committed.

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD


    A tip from my experience would be, it’s not the quantity of hours but more importantly the quality you put in each hour. I was lucky enough for my apartment complex to have a public conference room where it was quite most of the time. I spent weekdays from 8pm-1am M-F and most of my weekends. I passed 3 sections in 5 months that way while doing my full time job. It’s doable if you are committed.

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD


    Social media drama 101:

    Create a false dilemma (i.e. an exam a year away but expressing intent to study 20+ hours per week now)

    Ask advice, all of which will inevitably be dismissed and ignored.

    Give minimal details.

    Add details to suit personal taste as thread evolves. Feign offense at all conclusions drawn while expecting the readers to infer details such as a dog who clearly needs some training if it is attention seeking the entire time master is present.

    return to thread a half dozen times, clearly knowing what answer is acceptable but not getting the specific answer desired.

    Disappear for 6-8 months.

    Rinse, repeat.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Where is aspencookie ??? Where is his/her updates??




    no websites are safe anymore.


    UPDATE –

    So i wanted to come back and address this situation after everything was over, college etc.

    I could not keep up with what I was trying to do. I eventually had to let go of a lot of things and just focused on my classes and work.
    The good news is that my semester is over and my summer classes start in a month. After i get through the pain of the 8 week summer classes i will be done with all of this (as far as pre-reqs go). Then I just have a technical writing class to take which i can do whenever. BUT I WONT HAVE TO GO TO NIGHT SCHOOL ANYMORE!! and I am very thankful for that. I am taking some time off from everything to rest till summer hell starts.

    It will be 8 weeks of pain but I will be done with this first step towards my goal. I just CANNOT FACE SCHOOL again in the FALL. I am tired, and I am beat. I just decided to torture myself with 8 weeks of summer classes and be done with it.

    I did get a CPA scholarship so im very thankful to God for that, it was very exciting!! For the first time I made a C in my accounting class. It was for Government and Non Profit. I blame this on burning out. Since the beginning of the semester I had felt it coming because I have been going to school for the past 2 years and I am burnt out now with trying to balance everything. But its fine, I was expecting something to suffer. I plan to finish up with more As or Bs and move on to the next step in my life.

    I have decided to get Rogers for my review.
    Will keep you guys udpated!


    Wise decisions. Good luck!

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