How often did you spend time with friends?

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  • #1303972

    While studying for the cpa exam how often did you meet up with friends to hang out?

    This exam does get lonely.

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  • #1303975

    For me on the weekend nights! that is the only time I will sacrifice. This exam takes up a lot of my time and has caused problems in my relationship as well.

    Sticky Nicky

    my relationship is screwed too…we live together lol and all i do is study…i failed BEC and she was more disappointed than I was


    Every day of the week with “Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Joey”.


    Lol. Nice.

    But seriously?


    Studying caused me and my gf… I take Reg tomm and it's my last exam… this shit better be worth it hahaha but I see my friends maybe once a week? It's tough to balance working and studying as you gotta give up something

    C / X

    Once a week to every other weekend depending on the week. IDK I feel there's a cost benefit between studying and just having it drain the life out of you but I know someone that told me when she was working all she did (after work) was study (6 months) that her boyfriends' friends thought they broke up. She said there's never enough time to study and she even told me to cut out any distractions including even exercising. I guess it's true that you only are going to do this once but still….I guess if an extra hour is the difference btw a 74 and 75, she's right tho…

    Sticky Nicky

    they say exercising actually enhances your studying…due to blood flow to the brain your brain is actually able to absorb more information…is exercising an hour a day worth it? it is if it decreases your study time by at least 1hour 1min

    C / X

    Yeah, I am going try to workout at leaast 3x a week still but IDK exactly how much exercise has really helped with studying honestly….


    I got no friends and I still failed. LOL.


    I'm a big believer in balance during the exam process. If one hour will make the difference between 74 and 75, then schedule the exam for a week later, which should be an extra 15-20 hours, and that's enough to enable you to have 2 hours off every week if you're studying 7.5-10 weeks, or if you're doing 20 hours a week for 5 weeks, that's enough for 4 hours off per week. (Not really that exact of math, since a week longer study routine would require extra review time – like 100 hours of study over 6 months is not nearly as effective as 100 hours over 1 month. 100 in 1 month is probably good for a pass for at least some of these exams; 100 in 6 months is good for a fail on almost any exam.)

    So, I focused on avoiding time-wasters like Facebook (seriously, if you're going to spend 1 hr for “friend time”, an hour idly browsing Facebook is not a good way to do it! – I closed my Facebook account during this process, reopened it later and realized it wasn't worth it, so haven't gone back to it). But, I also focused on enjoying things that were valuable ways to relax and bond. Due to various life circumstances (moving etc.) I didn't have good friends locally during this process, but I'd make it a point to spend good quality time with my boyfriend, and I'd take time to talk to my family and friends who lived at a distance, and to do things with my boyfriend's family who lived locally. I studied a lot, but I also made sure that i was remembering to make time for the other important things in life. Balance is essential.

    I think that people who never do anything besides work and study are likely not able to study as efficiently when they study do to their mind being worn out with it. Now, if that's what someone specifically needs in order to pass the exams, then more power to them. But, as a general advice, I'd avoid it, because most people do better with balance in their lives. (Of course, being accountants, we're in for a rough time trying to find jobs that really allow time for balance in life…)


    My situation was extreme but I was happy just to find time in a day to shower. Never saw friends except if our kids had a game together and even then my nose was buried in a book.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I see my friends almost every day. On weekdays I get up super early (like 4:30am) in the morning to get a few hours of studying in before work and study on my lunch break, then don't even think about the CPA exam after 5pm. On weekends I try to be done studying by 3pm so I can spend the rest of the day with my friends and boyfriend. I know not everyone is able to do that because of other responsibilities, but I think if you're really disciplined about structuring your time you can definitely fit having a social life in with passing these exams (granted I don't have kids and never have to work overtime except during January – April).

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