How much was the time limit an issue for you on the CPA exam?

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    I’m curious to know just how much the time limit was an issue for you on the CPA exam. Or do you think the CPA exam is more like an “you either know it or you don’t” type of test???? (i.e. time not really an issue?)

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  • #310568

    For me, I felt like I kept an eye on the clock for FAR and BEC. The first time I took REG, I was diligent about the time, and stuck to my schedule and ended up rushing through the whole thing–didn't pass that one! so, definitely, knowing the material made a difference in REG the second time around (in terms of time–don't have my score yet)

    Overall, I would say that time was a factor, a consideration, or part of the strategy for FAR,BEC, and REG. I have felt that there was more than enough time on Audit.


    Definitely need to pace yourself with the mcq's to leave enough time for Sims/Writing. If you get stuck on a question, mark it for review and come back and make an educated guess. No sense wasting time on a problem which may not even count.

    BEC (11/10) 77 (Bisk)
    FAR 7/2 - 63 11/5 - 80 (Yeager - Fail, Becker - Pass)
    Reg (08/11) - 78 (Yeager)
    Aud - 11/29 - 78(Yeager)


    Personally, I felt like I had too much time for AUD and REG. I finished both an hour or more early, but for FAR and BEC I was definitely keeping an eye on the clock because I finished both right as time was up. Everyone is different though and some people get more calculations than others so that definitely will make a difference. I got very little calculation on my REG.

    FAR- 75
    REG- 82
    BEC- 73, 79!! Its over. Am I dreaming?
    AUD- 74, 74, 88


    Time Limit was always an issue. Couldn't even take a break to use the bathroom.


    I'm just curious as I had no trouble passing the exam with extra time through ADA accommodations, but I have no idea if I could do well on the CPA without them. I am dyslexic and have difficulty processing things quickly, but with the extra time I can ace any section.


    When I took FAR, I had about 10 minutes left. With REG, I finished a little over and hour early, and was actually surprised I had so much time left. I planned on 30 minutes per testlet and 90 minutes on my sims, but I finished all the mcqs in an hour and the sims took less than that. I felt good when I left, I just hope I didn't rush through and make stupid mistakes (which I'm pretty good at doing). Also on FAR I checked through all my answers, on REG I didn't. I've found that when I go back I second guess my work and change answers that were right.

    FAR - 80
    REG - 82
    AUD - 92
    BEC - 81
    Ethics - 100


    I think it's more of a “either you know it or don't” kind of test. If you know your stuff, you can easily finish the exam well before the time is up. I finished FAR with an hour and 45 mins to spare and I had 2 hours left for AUD. I finished BEC with only 4 seconds to go because I spent a lot of time drafting those memos and proofreading. Hopefully time won't be an issue for REG either, though for such a calculation heavy exam, I'm worried that we only get 3 hours.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    Time was the issue for me when I took REG, I really ran out of time 🙁 but for FAR, AUD, and BEC, I was able to have a few minutes left and was able to take a short break.

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