How many exams have you packed into a window?

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    So, I’ve once again defeated myself with “I’ll pick back up tomorrow”. I told myself I’d start with REG in Q2 and then keep moving to knock out the other 3 in Q3. I celebrated July away and here I am scrambling to at least try and knock out AUD and BEC, two that I’ve passed before. I was hoping to be licensed before tax season but that leaves me taking FAR in October and no score until late December so it’s cutting close.

    Just curious how many sections others have tried to squeeze in a short amount of time?

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  • #1938358

    I will be taking 3 this window, but I know someone who studied 14-16 hours per day and took all 4 in one window! Crazy. Three is pretty tough, but I have the benefit of getting to study full time this summer.


    @paigenicole628 Your test dates look pretty ideal for that, good luck! My employer needs me licensed for the next wave of projects so I've been given that rare lucky pass to study most days. Thinking of all 4 in a window blows my mind for sure.


    I did far and aud last window and passed both. Did bec in july and took reg today. Hoping for 4/4 in 2 windows


    I tried all 4 in the 3rd quarter last year and I only passed REG. Then I tried 3 in the 4th quarter and I passed AUD and BEC. Then it took me 2 more quarters to pass FAR.


    I attempted 3 in Q2, only because my REG was expiring. Only passed BEC out of the three and now REG has expired. Back to square one.

    Rainbow Butterfly

    I am taking 2 this window. 2 is the most I've ever done in a window, I have never passed both at the same time though… argh


    i took 3 in one window. I took reg for the first time in the middle of Jan, retook BEC on superbowl sunday and then retook AUD in march (they extended the testing window 10 days into the third month when I sat.) The only reason I was able to squeeze all three in was because 2 of them were retakes. I already had my notes so all I had to do was re-read them and then drill the NINJA MCQ.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    On a bet, I took my last two sections – FAR and REG – back-to-back on the same day and passed both with a 75 and 89, respectively.

    That was a brutal day. I was in the Prometric testing center at 8:15am and didn't leave until 6:30pm. I will never forget that day. As I was signing out, the guy there shakes my hand and said “Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope I never see you here again.”

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I did FAR, AUD, and BEC in second qtr. Passed all three using Becker only. It is possible if you have enough time and discipline to study a lot. I spent at least 3.5 weeks studying for each; few more weeks longer for FAR because I was terrified of it. lol! Now on to REG (test on Monday) and I have had some life interruptions, but should be able to put in a solid 3 weeks of studying in total. This one scares me too though, maybe even more than FAR.
    Good luck! Just make sure you will be able to dedicate the time to study hard and you can pull it off.


    I did 2 and 2. If I had been approved for my NTS sooner than the end of August I may have tried for 3 in a window. 4 in one window is hardcore.
    Pork Flavord Beans- that story makes me laugh every time i read it.


    2 here in Q2. AUD at the beginning and REG at the end. Was just enough time for me


    wow-you guys are amazing! I never even entertained the idea of doing more than 1 each testing quarter:) LOL


    All of the determination in this thread is making me wonder if I'm crazy enough to try FAR and BEC on Sept 10.

    Probably not but it feels good to be hungry enough to try.

    Good luck to everyone pushing through these last few weeks of Q3!

    Golfing NY CPA

    I did it three times (2 exams). The first time was in quarter Two of 2016. Passed REG and failed Audit. The second time was in Quarter 1 of 2017 where I took my last two parts to pass before the changes. I got a 74 in BEC and a 66 in FAR. After failing BEC with a 74 again in Quarter 2 and Failing FAR in Quarter 3 I was forced to take both in Quarter 4 because my REG was set to expire on New years Eve. Passed both and now I am a Licensed CPA in the State of New York. Fun times.


    @Pork Flavored Bacon. Two extremely hard exams on the same day and passed both. That is unbelievably impressive.

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