How do you take notes?

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    I’m curious to know what approaches people take to note taking while studying. For my first exam (BEC) I took about two pages of notes total – just the formulas I had the hardest time remembering so I could skim over them before the test. For AUD and REG I didn’t take any at all. I’m thinking about trying to take more notes for FAR since there’s so much material to remember, but I’m not sure how to best go about it since I’ve never been a note taker. What are some methods you all use to take notes that have been helpful?

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  • #1314650

    only 2 pages of notes for BEC? I had 7 or 8 legal pads full of notes haha. Writing concepts down helps me cement it into my brain. I even re write all my notes before going into review. it really just depends on what works for you and you did great on them without writing notes!


    I used to WRITE every single word down and thought it gave me a good overview. Then I started writing smarter, I would write it down once, then the next time, I would summarize and put it in my own words. Though I do feel that repetition makes me understand and memorize it more.

    Now I'm hoping, to just keep writing until it is literally in my brain and come December, it can leave forever.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    @eaglescpa it seems like a lot of people here use that approach, but I don't think it would work well for me because I write reallyyy slowly so it would take all my study time haha. To get the concepts down I usually just reread the book.

    I like the idea of summarizing it in your own words, that would force you to actually understand what you're writing. I'll try writing down the main points from each chapter in my own words and see how it goes.


    I don't take notes, never have. I will mark in the book when the lectures say to write something but other than that I just read and watch and worked MCQ.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    A little bit of notes but not much. It's too time consuming for REG and FAR since so much is covered. I made mental notes as I went along doing the MCQs. Notes are better for a class where you are not covering soooo much material in a short time.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ

    So FAR So Good

    I watch/read the entire chapter, then make an outline of the entire chapter. Usually 10-15 pages of notes per chapter. Takes twice as long to study, but I focus much less on hammering MCQs. Has worked for me so far since I'm drilling concepts.

    F - 91 (6/5/2016)
    A - 7/30/2016
    R - 10/8/2016
    B - 12/10/2016

    Sticky Nicky

    I think for BEC i took like 20 pages of notes for the entire book,,,i also didnt read the book i just took notes on the lectures,,,however by the end of MCQs my entire 5 subject notebook was full because of the calcs,,,for Audit (which im taking on Wed) i probably only did like 20 pages as well,,,i stopped taking notes during the last 3 chapters bc i got lazy


    I only write notes during the lectures to keep me focused. The lectures go so fast I never have time to do much more then write an outline. I DO NOT stop the lecture to take notes. I go back in fill in the notes for bigger concepts or just wait till I get the MCQ to fully grasp concept. I take my notebook everywhere and randomly review pages. It's my little trick to keep things interesting.

    FAR - 05/2015
    AUD - 75,11/2014
    REG - 07/2015
    BEC - 09/2015

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