How do you guys do this?

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  • #161897

    Hi! I joined this forum not too long ago and have been reading a lot of topics and comments.. and I see a lot of you taking one exam in each window and finishing taking all exams in 5-6 months. Amazing. So I was wondering.. after you guys take the first test, do you start studying for the test in the next window from ground 0? If so, how do you study?

    Thank you and good luck to all of you 🙂

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  • #300374

    Hi! I think the most painless way to do it is to study one after the other. I try to give myself a week break in between. Certain sections take longer to study than others (REG and FAR). Once you pass a test, there's an expiration, so it's good not to drag the other sections out too long.

    The best method of studying is going to be different for everyone, but most everyone buys a study program like Becker, Roger Phillips etc…depending on how much you want to spend.

    I think the most important thing is to be committed when you start this process. I signed up for Becker live classes right out of college and I wasn't at all committed at the time. I didn't end up signing up for any of the tests, all my stuff expired, and now 4 years later I'm starting over. I tell myself I'm going to study 110% for all the tests because I want to try not to have to retake…since it's expensive, time consuming, and studying sucks haha. Just do it fast like ripping off a bandaid if you know what I mean. 🙂 Best of luck to you if you're thinking about taking it!


    Thank you CPABear! I just graduated college this summer (yep, a newbie), and I'm now taking accounting classes at UCLA because I didn't finish my course requirements in college and had to move back home. I'm thinking about sitting for Maine state CPA exams, passing them as soon as possible, work in Cali and getting the California CPA license. So I got these classes going on, which is 9 hours a week on intermediate accounting, financial auditing and income tax. Do you think I can handle a Becker review with these? And how much time per week do you spend studying and being “committed”?


    Oh! How funny! I went to UCLA as well. I think you need to be done with your unit requirements before you submit your application to take the CPA test because they require a college transcript. It takes a really long time like 1.5 – 2 months from the time you send your transcript to when you get your NTS (Notice to Schedule) in CA at least. Sometimes people run into transcript issues especially when they have transcripts coming from multiple colleges, which further delays the process. I would probably suggest that you hold off signing up for Becker until you're ready to send the transcripts / apply. This is because once you install the Becker software, it expires in either a year or a year an a half…can't remember, and plus you want the most up-to-date Becker material since it changes every year. The 1.5 – 2 month wait is probably enough time to study for something like FAR or REG (the more intense ones in my opinion).

    You'll also have to decide if you want a live class or the self-study. Personally, I just don't learn very well going to class. I need to read it myself, so I wish I had done self-study instead of live class. You get lecture CDs to watch on your own either way though.

    I currently work at a Big 4, so I try to commit 2-3 hours a night and more on the weekends. I probably over-study though since I'm paranoid like that 🙂 It feels like my life right now is work, study, sleep.


    I chose to take each section at the very end of a testing window and then take a break until my score came out. If I were to fail a section, my plan was to immediately restudy for it without clouding my brain up with new material. The downside to my approach is that it drags the exam out quite a bit.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Oh sweeet CPABear, I am taking evening classes at UCLA extensions! (and was an undergrad in UCSD.) I am trying to take CPA exams under state Maine (they have any course requirements. ), so I can get complete the CPA exam process asap. Then work and get a CPA license under California state. I'm going to be taking the classes AND studying for the exam one by one. Was your major accounting at UCLA? and Thank you so much for detailed answers and support! Hopefully I can be as successful as you. 🙂

    and T-rex, that's a great idea. I was just surprised that a lot of people start from ground 0 and study for a couple months, then pass the exams!

    Created with Compare Ninja


    You need breaks in between.

    I did it simillar to T-Rex. Schedule exam lateer in window. Take time off after exam and wait for the results. If pass, then reward yourself with extra time off. If fail, restudy and take the exam again in earlier portion of window.

    This was my study/ time off schedule

    Test Aug 1- Studied July (Took off rest of Aug-mid sept)

    Test Nov 7 – STudied Mid Sept- Oct

    Test Nov 30 Studied Nov 8- Nov 30 (Took off all of December). If I had failed REG or BEC I wouldve rescheduled for around January and studied rest of December.

    Test Feb 28, 2011- Studied Jan 1- Feb 28

    starting next window the score process will be faster so who knows what might be a good strategy 😀 But still the best thing to do if you fail a section, to retake it and not start new one.


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