How and what to study for REG

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  • #200019

    Greetings everyone!

    I am currently studying for REG right now and I have a few questions regarding what type of study approach I should take for the the Business Law material.

    Here is a rundown of my study materials to help you understand what I am working with:

    1) The fully Wiley CPAexcel (this is the main review course I have chosen)

    2) Wiley CPA test bank

    3) Roger CPA Review **BOOKS ONLY** (his written text is so easy to understand and I was able to snag the 2014 edition off of eBay for a great price and in brand new condition)

    4) Gleim exam questions & explanations (I used these books in college – very helpful)

    For those of you who use or have used Wiley CPAexcel you probably know by now that Wiley throws “everything but the kitchen sink” at you which makes it very difficult to comprehend and memorize a lot of things.

    I have noticed in the Rogers books that he gives you a very clean cut no BS version of the material and he writes like he talks which makes it very easy to understand. Also for the Business Law section, in his book, there is a SUBSTANTIAL amount of material not covered in his REG book that Wiley CPAexcel covers.

    Now, to my question…in regards to the Business Law section ONLY is it necessary to study literally everything that Wiley CPAexcel throws at you? I have already passed FAR and AUD using the same 4 study materials listed above and I had no problem using the Wiley CPAexcel books; however now I find myself having a very difficult time understanding a lot of what Wiley lays out in the Business Law section.

    Also, the reason I am only concerned about the Business Law section is because I understand tax completely and am having no problems comprehending and memorizing.

    Thank You to everyone who took the time to provide some feedback. I very much appreciate it! 🙂

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  • #757752

    I will have some more feedback when I get my score on the 23rd.

    I just took REG on 2/2. I use CPAexcel and Ninja audio. I passed AUD on first try with those two. I am not so sure I passed REG. Multiple choice were not so bad. Sims were tough.

    I am the complete opposite though. I struggle with tax (only had 1 tax class in college) and business law seems like common sense to me. I love CPAexcel for the short videos but for some reason the tax videos can be over 20 minutes each.

    My advice would be to go through all of the lessons/videos/MCQs/Sims that CPAexcel has at least one time. Then I would do as many MCQs and Sims as you can. If you do all of that and you understand why you got a question wrong/right, you will pass.

    AUD - 76
    REG - 78
    FAR - Aug 2016
    BEC - 79


    @Garner – I couldn't agree more on the length of the REG lectures. I've use CPAexcel for all the sections and have really been satisfied with them. However, every video it seemed like was 15-20 minutes long. It made it very tough to stay focused through all of them.I also agree that the business law section is pretty common sense. Just finished my review of it and there aren't really any curve balls.

    FAR 10/24/15 - 87
    BEC 11/30/15 - 88
    AUD 01/10/16 - 88
    REG 02/27/16 - 77


    @Jones047 I'm using CPAexcel for REG, and I couldn't agree more on the length of the videos. I'm struggling to get through them. My plan is to go through all the videos, read and re-write ninja notes, and non stop ninja MCQs. Taking the exam on the 2/29..I did this study plan with FAR on my retake and passed.

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