Help!!Stay home mom of 2 studying FAR

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  • #834976

    Hi everyone.I need your help with a solid study strategy for FAR.I have been off and on studying for FAR for about 3 months now using Becker.I have a 3yr old and a 4 month old and I have not been able to study effectively because of the distractions of raising them.My 3 yr old starts school this week so i will have more time on my hands.So now I need suggestions on how they were able to read and pass.This is my first attempt and my first section.I am looking at taking the exam in November.

    I am also asking for suggestions on how to combine the other sections in a way that i would finish all parts early Q1 2017 coupled with the expected changes.Or is it too late to start a section now ?Should I just wait to start next year?

    Pleaseeee I need suggestions to know what steps to take asap.

    Thanks everyone anticipating your responses.

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  • #835015

    I would take BEC and REG first…… FAR has the least changes, they're what, adding like 2 more SIMs and making it 50%. I know that sounds a lot harder but really. If you practiced more SIMs, the new FAR version wouldn't break too many hearts.

    BEC and REG are DEFINITELY getting harder. So get that out first.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    It is never too late to get started. It is really up to you if you want to start now because raising a baby of 4 months old is not an easy task. But I think that at this point, you cannot plan to knock down all 4 tests in 2 testing periods. Dont get me wrong, it is possible, but I believe that the best method to approach this test now is to embrace Q2-2017 changes. Remember that the CPA test is a marathon and not a sprint. If I were you, I would try to knock out FAR this 4th quarter, and research on whether you are more familiar with REG or BEC, and then attempt to knock the hardest first and the easiest last within the 1st quarter of 2017.


    FAR is the hardest. Once you knock out FAR, you feel easier on other sections. I'd knock out FAR in the next quarter and do REG and BEC in Q1 2017. Good luck.

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16


    I really appreciate you guys to your suggestions.I will review the options and see what works for me.Thanks again


    I always found the best time for me to study was after my daughter went to bed. She was 2 when I started studying and when she was up, she wanted to spend all her time with me. I used to work all day, spend the early evening with my daughter, and study 3-4 hours after she went to bed.

    We now have 2 little ones (4 and 2) and my wife works at home. She is the most productive when the little one takes his nap (1-2 hours). She always manages to get the 4 year old to play on her own. If you can do that, you'd be getting from 4-6 hours of studying per day. You should be able to plow through a couple of tests before Q1.


    @ Igelfand Thanks, that's really helpful .


    Since you already started studying for FAR I would take FAR first! Then AUD>REG>BEC.

    I agree that once you pass your first exam the rest get easier, but don't let that fool you because they are all hard and you have to put in a lot of hours for each test!


    @ vannessa thanks for the suggestion


    Read your FAR book out loud to your 3yo & 4mo to put them to. FAR is so boring it will put anybody to sleep.

    Problem solved.

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