Help! I'm so exhausted from studying too much. What do I do?

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  • #161953

    When I studied for FAR and AUD, I would study 3 hours a day on the weekdays and 4 hours a day on the weekends. That comes out to about 23 hours a week. That study method was successful and I passed those. But then when I continued that same routine for REG, it didn’t work and I failed miserably. Since I already started studying for BEC before getting my results, I decided to continue on with that and study for REG again after I take BEC on Oct 23rd. After my experience with REG, I don’t want to fail BEC, so I’ve decided to increase the amount of hours I study per day. Since last week, I’ve been studying 4 hours a night on the weekdays and 6 hours a day on the weekends. That comes out to about 32 hours a week. I started this new study habit a week ago and I’m dead tired from it. I’m barely getting sleep now and today, I am just dead. I almost couldn’t get up this morning and I’m struggling to stay away here at work. I can barely keep my eyes half open right now.

    I really don’t mind putting in all these extra hours of study, but my body can’t take it. And I need to work hard as possible if I want to pass these tests. What should I do? Is this a sign that I should go back to my shorter 23 hours a week study habit due to my body giving up??

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  • #300879

    I know exactly how you feel. I did pretty much the same thing from June-August (3 months straight) of almost 4 hours Monday-Thursday, and at least 6 on Sat/Sun. I usually took off on Fridays but I even studied some Friday nights when I felt I needed it. After my BEC exam at the end of August I took a little break….I was burnt out. I was TIRED! I think I slept for an entire weekend after LOL

    I was lucky enough to pull out passing scores for both FAR and BEC. For REG I decided to cut it back to 3 hours per night and 6 on the weekends. I just need a little more sleep to focus better. All this studying really puts a drain on you. I'm giving myself 7 weeks to study for REG just because I hear its really tough, etc. I rather put in the extra study time and have it done in one shot than rush it, fail, and have to take it again.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    Coffee….lots and lots of coffee…

    It looks like you arent close to your 18 month window or losing any credits, so whats the rush? Go back to your shorter schedule and pass these exams! Even if you have to push REG off until the next window to give yourself more time to study, whats the harm in that?


    That's how I feel CalCPASoon…..I passed 2 in the last window so my 18 month window just started and I already have 2 complete. I'm just going to put in some good quality study time in without burning myself out.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    Then maybe only one exam this window is better for you. Push them both out and take BEC in November and Reg next year.

    Exercise (I know it sounds counter intuitive) will give you more energy.

    Take vitamins if you don't already.

    Coffee. Lots of Coffee.

    If your sleep is being disrupted, try anything to help you sleep…meditation…melatonin…..

    Remind yourself this is short term.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @CalCPASoon- My FAR and AUD credits expire 12/31/2012. But we can only take these exams in quarters. That means that I only have 5 more chances to pass REG. I want to get these exams out of the way because next year is going to be even more stressful for me. If I can get BEC out of the way and pass that, it would certainly take a lot of weight off my shoulders.


    @CPAMan, if you aren't willing to slow down your study schedule and push off REG to the next window, then probably eating healthy, working out, and having a good daily routine are going to help condition your body to the new study schedule, and eventually it'll get easier and you'll feel less tired.

    Since you're only studying 1 extra hour a day during the week, so maybe there are other ways to fit in that hour without cutting into your sleep schedule? For example, studying at lunch for 30 minutes and then studying an extra 30 minutes at night? Then you are only going to bed 30 minutes later instead of 1 hr later?

    Or maybe go back to studying 3 hrs during the week, but increase your weekend study time to 8 hrs?

    I work full time and study 3-4 hrs on the weekdays, and 8+ hrs a day on the weekends. I also work full time, but no kids and my job really isnt that stressful. I actually have to remind myself that im not sprinting, im running a marathon! As much as I want to finish up this exam asap, I also know that if Im completely exhausted then all my studying will be wasted and if I cant focus for 4 hrs during the actual exam, then whats the point? “work smart, not hard” effecient studying for 3 hrs a day is alot better than exhausted studying for 4.


    i tried excessive partying and studying for the exams and it didn't work out. i tried balls to the walls eat, sleep, sh**, do nothing but study for the exams and it didn't workout. i was getting the same results in both cases

    i found out i can only study for 3 hrs in 1 sitting per day and only took 1 test per window and started passing

    i'll also do jeff's ELL schedule. an hr in the morning, an hr during lunch, 3 hrs after work

    what really helps me is taking an hr nap after work to recharge the batteries before i study, otherwise my brain is dead an eyeballs are burning




    You need a night off and efficient study hours are better than ones that lack efficiency. You sound burned out and go back to your old method or maybe postpone one of the exams if your 18 month isn't affected



    I go by the theory of diminishing returns. Your brain needs to relax a little bit. Working an 8 hour day then studying for another 3 is probably too much for your body to physically handle. It probably also probably putting your brain into overdrive. Rest is an essential part of success.

    Maybe take some time and read up a little bit on the way that world class athletes work out and train. These guys are the best in the world at what they do, and none of them are running/lifting/practicing 7 days a week.


    @CPAman : I know exactly what you mean – I have been waking up at 2:00 AM and just studying till 9 PM (1 hr workout in between) ( work doesnt start till couple of weeks) and Im exhausted! Right now Im about to fall asleep. I take short naps that keeps me very refreshed when the going gets too tough.. So I agree with nolifecpa – it really does help. I feel sick to my stomach! And I have one week to get all my review in for FAR! I dont know how im gonna do this… Well either way stick with it! its worth it


    I am exchasted right now and I woke up this morning to do a becker progress test. I got a 72 on chapter 1, 76 chapter 2 and a 68 on chapter 3 I KNEW it was time to sit back and rest my body is tired (those are my high scoring topics) . So for today and today only I putting it all away. Going walking on my lunch break with my ipod! the materials will be there tomorrow when I start working on them again tommorow! really really need a break or on test day I won't be good to anyone! my test is on saturday so who knows if this is a good idea or not but my brain hurts and it need to rest!

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    It's really hard to win when studying for tests like these. Of course, working 8 hours a day does take the bulk of my weekdays and I can only study 3-4 hours on the weeknights. And of course, I'm always tired as it is when I finish work. So, I end up overstressed. But if I'm unemployed, I'm going to lose my motivation because I'm not busy all the time. When I'm not busy all the time and have a lot of free time, I tend to get lazy and won't feel like studying. So, either way, I lose. But at least when I'm overstressed, I feel motivated to study so I'd rather be employed while I take this exam. But my body is giving up. I don't want to get into the habit of drinking coffee again because whenever I get into that habit, I get too addicted to it. So, whenever I just go one day without coffee, I get a big headache. And the last thing I need when studying is a headache.



    I passed FAR and AUD in one window and started feeling the extreme exhaustion you are describing. Now I have decided to space BEC and REG out more to try to remain as rested as possible and hopefully increase my chances of getting through these last two exams.


    CPA Man what type of advice are you looking for? You've been given viable choices to relieve your exhaustion but shoot down the suggestions you are getting?

    If its just commiseration, you've totally got it. We're all miserable.

    If I can say so, I wish my job was 8 hours a day. 7:15a-5p, no lunch.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Study until your body starts sending signals that you're exhaausted, then give yourself a break to recharge. Studyinf while exhausted does you no good, you're likely not retaining much. Studied about 3 hrs per day Mon-Thurs and 5-6 hrs Fri. The things that helped me the most were Sugar Free Red Bull and I took a supplement called Rhodiola. It did wonders for me! The supplement calmed my nerves, boosted energy, and really sharpened my focus. I highly recomment it. I got it at GNC but I know you can fund it cheaper online.

    Good luck!

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review

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