Hello & study plan help wanted.

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    I just wanted to say hi, I’m Ashley. I graduated Dec 2011 and I am going to start studying for the CPA exam. I ordered Yaeger and I have to wait until Monday before it arrives. I currently work 25ish hours a week. I am a school bus driver so I work mornings/afternoons. Anyways, I have been trying to think of how I want to go about taking the exam. I sent in my application & transcripts so hopefully I will hear back soon. I was thinking of taking FAR in April, AUD in May, take the summer off (I might intern or maybe just enjoy it if I can’t get an internship?) and then going after REG in October and BEC in November. I am wondering if I am drawing this thing out too long? Especially with the 18 month frame. I could have the worst time with BEC, just because it’s last. I thought if I had to retake either of the first two, I would do it in the summer so that wouldn’t mess up the rest of the schedule. Another thought I have is that I only work part time, so why couldn’t I get this thing done and over with sooner? I just know that when I get an accounting job, I may never have a summer like the one coming. I’m not sure about studying for the exam during an internship. If I get the internship I am hoping for, then I really want to focus on that.

    I am just trying to hear other people’s perspectives. I only know one person who has taken the CPA exam in the last 25 years and she is pretty busy with work. I just don’t know know how to approach the exam. I can’t really decide what to do. I was thinking that the schedule I mentioned would allow me to also have free time… balance :). But I know I can push myself hard if I wanted to. Maybe you could tell me, is it harder to learn lots of information in a short time, or better in a longer period? Could someone learn better studying 30 hours versus 20 hours a week or vice versus? I would think there would be a threshold where after a certain amount of hours a week it would be impossible to retain it all. Okay, enough rambling on, please give me your advice. Please be nice, but honest with your answers πŸ™‚ I know it’s a monster of a test and any feedback I get is GREATLY appreciated! I just want to make a good plan and get going on this thing.

    P..s. Is it crazy that I am excited to start studying? I keep telling myself, you will regret this thought soon enough haha.

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  • #323227

    The CPA exam is like ripping off a band-aid. You know its going to hurt, so you want to get it over with as quickly as you can.

    If you really want this, I would put all of your available time and energy into it. You are working part time and it sounds like you have no other big commitments (spouse, children, etc.). This is really going to be the perfect opportunity to do it. If you get a great internship in the summer, go ahead and take it. It shouldn't preclude you from studying in the evenings and on the weekends.

    On another note, your blog is “cute” and actually well done. Much better than most I've seen. That being said, I really suggest you not put much time into your blog. That time is better spent studying. You have to live, breathe, and die CPA exam if you want to knock these exams out of the way. There is no easy path to getting it done.


    Thank you Minimorty πŸ™‚ If I am really into my studying I probably will only update my blog every once in while… at least that's what happened during my quarters at school. I've updated it more lately because like I've stated, I have plenty of free time and I get bored. And I don't have big commitments! I guess I will learn soon enough how bad this exam will be. I haven't felt it's wrath yet. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. Do you give yourself a day or night off during the week?


    Hi Ashley and welcome!

    Mini is right, if you can make the commitment, definitely try to get this thing over with sooner than later. I originally had planned to take one exam per window, but there really is such a thing as too much study time. Granted, everyone is different but I think for most people 6-8 weeks is just the right amount of time to study per section. I would recommend trying to schedule an exam early in the window and a second exam near the end of the window. You'll have enough time to study, plus it is an excellent way to distract yourself from the score wait.

    My only other suggestion would be to take FAR and REG first and save AUD and BEC for the end. AUD and BEC have a lot of overlap and, in my opinion, are much easier than REG and FAR, so it would be nice to take those near the end when you'll most likely be close to burned out. If tax is your thing, then by all means take REG last but definitely try to keep AUD and BEC back to back – you'll have an easier time studying since a lot of the info will be repeat info. If I could change my CPA experience, it would have been to take REG second, not last. But I'm not big on tax so that's my reasoning.

    I managed to pull all 4 sections off in 2 windows with a full time job and family obligations, so if you make a real commitment to this thing, you should be able to knock this thing out just the same – especially since you have the benefit of a part time job. Best of luck to you! We'll be here cheering you on!

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    Welcome Ashley! That's mine name too! I sound like a 5 year old…anyways.

    You will get a lot of different advice here and you have to figure out what is best for you. I don't know how Yaeger is but if it has lectures, I highly recommend writing notes while you listen. I think doing AUD and BEC first was better for me because it boost my confidence and helped me figure out what works and what doesn't. The material in AUD and BEC isn't as large so I feel I was able to fine tune my studying before jumping into something that has so much material and some much that I am not comfortable with. Again, different stroke for different folks.

    I agree in taking a night off. I go to the library early on Saturday and give myself that night off. I also recommend doing the Pomodoro method. A lot of people on this site do it. I do a high level version. Study for 25 min. then take a 5 minutes break. I am a deadline person so I schedule my exam at the beginning of my studying. This way I feel I have a deadline to meet and won't lollygag on my studying.

    Finally, don't get discouraged. You may fail. I failed every single section the first time. I passed Audit and BEC the second but have failed FAR 3 times. It sucks and we are all here for eachother when that does happen to the fellow 71ers. The CPA has little to do with how big of a brainiac you are. You wouldn't be here if you weren't smart enough to pass. It is all about determination. When I feel down in the dumps about this thing I think to myself “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”



    Thanks for your responses.

    KasiaS- AUD and BEC have a lot of overlap. I didn't realize that. I have only read about AUD & FAR overlapping, that's why I thought I'd stick those two together. I think I'm okay with taxes. This was the only class where I actually did get the highest grade in the class. πŸ™‚ I have done taxes as well, but I think the exam will probably have a lot harder questions, so it will still be hard for me.

    Ashley- Nice name :). My friend who has been doing her CPA exam passed 3 so far, and she took your route, easier first to feel more confident. I don't really want to go that route. I'd rather focus on the harder ones first, especially with the 18 month window. I just read about the Pomodoro method on this forum and went to the site to learn about that. I think that it's a great method and I will check into the app for that too.


    Welcome Ashley!

    Be sure to utilize the free study planner: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-study-planner/


    What I learned, and perhaps the hard way, is that one section may be “easy” for one person and difficult for you. You never know how you will do on the exams, so don't take any long breaks between testing. Just get it over with! You really don't want to have to pass a section more than once like I did!

    The exam is much more difficult than I ever imagined. I was a 4.0 student and thought I would just breeze through this thing. Wow, was I wrong! That being said, with some serious devotion to it, you can pass. All I have left to pass is REG and I'll be done! Feels nice to be in the homestretch.

    Good luck to you! You will do awesome if you just attack this goal with full force! πŸ™‚

    FAR - 79 (2x)
    AUD - 81 (expired), 77!
    REG - 74! omg (3x) 87!!!!!!! I'm done! OMG!
    BEC - 81 (4x)



    I totally get that and that is what I started off with too. I took FAR-failed Reg-failed, FAR-failed then changed my game plan. Everyone has to do what is best for them. I started loosing confidence in myself so I jumped over to AUD and BEC and feel a lot better about everything. I am halfway there and I was more afraid of BEC than any other section because it is so random! you will see…haha

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