Has anyone used audio review cds, mp3, etc..?

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  • #162209

    If you have used them, can you please provide insight to which one you used and if it was worth it?? I am looking to get something to listen to on my drives to/from work. Are any audio reviews worth it?

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  • #303446

    I've been using the Gleim audio cds for my drives to and from work. I can't say how well they compare to others (since I've never tried any others), but I think they're great for BEC. I plan on using them for REG & FAR as well.

    Hope that helps!

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 88
    REG - 87
    FAR - 86 - Woot, all done!
    Ethics - 100


    On my 1 hour ride each way to/from work, I pop open my laptop and listen to the video lectures. I do miss out on some info since you're supposed to be watching, but it also helps me know what material they're emphasizing.

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85


    I've been using NIU Correspondence CPA Review and that provides mp3 files and study materials and I've been using that exclusively to study for the CPA exam. I swear by it and I think it's worth every penny! (cpareview.niu.edu)

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review

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