@goodluck2: yes, I have those designations and a heck of a lot more. it's for the business i am in, and also my academic goals. we all have our personal decisions to make in our lives, and i love the credentials in the most relevant areas to me. it scares some people, but no one who means anything to me. i respect and admire so much people who challenge themselves and strive for their goals, no matter how that is defined and how difficult the road. we are all on a journey, our own road. if it's only the CPA, fantastic! if it's more, that's fantastic too! there are no medals for this, only personal satisfaction and individual, customized goals. making our own way back home, finding our shelter from the storm…
@minimorty: yes, i am indeed going to get the ABV. it's a freebie from effort, but not from the annual fee! lol! all these organizations know how to put the financial squeeze on us, no? congrats on almost finishing the ASA. i also have NACVA's CVA designation as well as IBA's CBA designation. as you may know, both valuation intensive. clients harp for one or the other, or all if i am doing intensive valuation work. lots politics, but in the end, it's all about what's best for business and end goals.
for those of you who don't know, the ASA is quite rigorous and challenging. it's actuarial and valuation intensive, and many people say it rivals any exam out there. i don't care about any of that, i only care what's relevant for me and my career (professional and academic). you always get these insecure idiots asking you why you are pursuing all these designations. blow them off. they just can't hack it, or haven't cleared their own path. can't march to their own drummer. do 1 designation or 12, it doesn't matter, as long as you know your own route.