Final Stretch – FAR

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  • #1606187

    My FAR (retake) is coming up, 09/07. I just finished the Becker book today and did all the MCQs and simulations. Most areas I am in the low 70’s %. These finals couple weeks are what’s been hurting me. Because I feel like (from past experience) once I finish the book I start to take it easy and review and study less.

    What recommendations do you guys have for the final two and a half weeks or so?

    Also, I’ve spent enough money on Becker where I don’t feel like spending another dime…but obviously that hasn’t worked out too well for me so does anyone know of affordable methods for review, perhaps extra MCQs and Sims?

    All responds are greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

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  • Author
  • #1606199

    NINJA MCQ really helps me. The explanations after each question and information provided helps fill in the gaps on things I didn't understand the first time through the material. NINJA MCQ for sure!


    Thank you!

    Is there any way to purchase just the MCQs and Sims? It seems like it's part of a package with the notes, book, audio and a lot of other stuff I don't want and probably won't have time to use.


    No not anymore. But honestly, the MCQ helps me so much it is worth the $120 or whatever it is. I have Roger and Becker but I only use those for the lectures. The NINJA MCQ is way better than both of those in my opinion.


    I take AUD on 9/7 also so we are kind of on the same schedule. All I am doing for the next couple of weeks is as many NINJA MCQ questions as I can and if I am really struggling with something I will read my Roger book a little bit. I used that strategy for REG. I haven't gotten my grade back yet and I don't want to Jinx it, but I feel like I could not have been better prepared.

    shawn in VA

    So you cannot buy the MCQ for $47 anymore? WOW. that is really disappointing .

    May i suggest Great questions. I passed FAR from a 64 to 76 with adding this to my studies. IT is free as the name suggests and GREAT customer service. I had an issue once and was resolved quickly.


    I'm in the same boat with FAR on the 7th. I honestly think Becker has enough for you, I would just go back through the sims and progress tests honestly. I also have Rogers so the two are plenty for me. I've seen a lot of people state that Becker and Rogers have sub-par mcqs and sims but that has not at all been the case with me. I think they are completely adequate.


    I would start a free 2-week trial of Wiley CPAexcel, I know they have a FAR test bank of over 1500+ old AICPA exam questions and a total of 3500+ questions to get you ready to dance with that devil(FAR). Good Luck!

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