Favorite Study Location

  • Creator
  • #195051

    What is everyone’s favorite place to study? I have this local, quiet coffee shop with amazing coffee and it always makes studying a little better. Anyone else have a favorite study location?

    AUD: 02/28/15 - 89
    FAR: 05/29/15 - 80
    BEC: 08/03/15 - 81
    REG: 08/27/15 - 76

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  • Author
  • #675742

    Barnes & Noble Cafe is my go-to. Spend most of my evenings there and basically became a regular. My drink order is now memorized.

    FAR - 76! 10/15; (65) 7/15
    BEC - 82! 11/15; (74) 8/15
    AUD - 01/16
    REG - TBA


    It used to be Starbucks (shhhh…. don't tell Dunkin' Donuts) until I just bought a 27″ iMac for the loft area in my house. The screen is so big I have Ninja Notes/Book opened on one side and Ninja MCQ opened up in the other.


    Starbucks works best for me in 3 or 4 hour stints. A good library would probably work a lot better, but library hours tend to blow unless you are on, or near, a college campus.

    β€œThe reward for work well-done is more work.”

    BEC - 05/26/2015 77
    AUD - 07/27/2015 88
    FAR - 08/31/2015 80
    REG - 11/30/2015 73, 04/18/2016 80 Done!!!


    Rollins College library, Winter Park, FL. 4th Floor. Quiet floor, with no one ever on the floor, except for finals week. So quiet you can hear yourself breathe. Total concentration. Spent 1 1/2 years going there. Same floor, same cubicle.

    If I needed a break, walk downstairs, and walk by the swimming pool. There's always eye candy laying out. And walk around the lake. Or walk down to Park Ave and window shop or grab a coffee. Great way to clear your head for 30 minutes before hitting the books again.

    That was my place. My only place. If I was home, NO study time, whatsoever. The routine helped immensely.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    The bar

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    To golfball's point, I spent many an evening in our local breweries running flaschards with friends. Bought their tabs, of course….

    Favorite spot? The lake! No cell service = no distractions aside from the sunshine, fresh air and amazing view. Who wouldn't want to get a tan while reading about the amazing world of microeconomics? πŸ˜‰


    I get to work early and study at my cube and also study on lunch. It makes it easier to have a semi-normal life when you have two hours of study time in before you even get home from work

    REG-74, 76


    I was going to start a topic on this the other day. I just started studying on my front porch and I love it. It's been raining a ton where I live and it helps me concentrate. Outside studying is my favorite. Studying at my desk at work is my least favorite.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    Library, but I'm in a medium-to-small-sized town. The hours are pretty bad (as someone mentioned above). We do have a Starbucks, but it is not very quiet and has a very limited seating/table area. Always see too many people I know and that is (obviously) a huge interruption. Have to go with library by default.

    FAR: July 2016


    Starbucks….Great Hours….On my way home from work…..Good Coffee…..Tempting snacks

    BEC Feb 2015 68 - rematch Apr 2015 - 84
    FAR July 2015 77
    AUD Oct 2015 74 Feb 2016 71 April 2016 85
    REG Jan 2016 67 July 2016


    My couch… πŸ™‚ Probably going to need a new one once I'm finished from wearing down my favorite spot.


    ARCPA2B – how in the world do you do that? If I sit in my favorite spot on the couch, I'm out for the night (fall asleep). No way I can do that unless it's midday.

    FAR: July 2016


    The little couch on the deck on the back of the house on a warm, sunny day … at least until a giant cat-faced spider decided it also liked that spot.


    I found that the best study place for me is a commuter rail. I wish my ride was longer than 25 minutes


    Before work: dining room table. It was quiet in the house since my wife would still be in bed.

    After work: basement. I have a workbench set up down there with a computer monitor that I could hook up to my laptop. It was nice and quiet down there even if my wife was walking around or watching tv.

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