FAR — What will it take to pass this test…

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  • #163240

    I have to say first, this CPA exam has challenged me in so many ways – physically (since I carry all my stress in my neck and shoulders, it seems like I have rocks as shoulders) and of course mentally. This exam is a test of will and endurance… my gosh!!!

    I failed FAR with a 63 earlier this year. So for the past two months, I restudied FAR using my Becker materials again. My test was scheduled for Nov. 29 – and after contemplating my understanding of the concepts and confidence to pass, I rescheduled the exam. In addition to rescheduling I bought the Yeager FAR homestudy and FAR Cram. Does anyone have advice as to how I should attack my studies to pass FAR once and for all?

    FAR Passed
    BEC Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed

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  • #310467

    FAR is a beast. I started for studying for FAR in December 2010 using Yeager/Wiley. It took me forever to get through the videos and I postponed my test until July (got married in April and couldn't get any studying in to take April/May). I got a 64 and was bummed. I got Becker and studied 3 hours/day for 6 weeks. I got up at 5:30 and studied for an hour. When I got home after work I studied for 2 hours. I also purchased Jeff's ninja notes and used them to re-copy the week before the exam. If possible, I would study at lunch or on the commute. You need to set an aggressive study plan and commit to it. I received an 80 on FAR and had a disruptive testing experience at Prometric. Back in July, I was ready to quit…it seemed like too much information to digest. Keep at it.

    BEC (11/10) 77 (Bisk)
    FAR 7/2 - 63 11/5 - 80 (Yeager - Fail, Becker - Pass)
    Reg (08/11) - 78 (Yeager)
    Aud - 11/29 - 78(Yeager)


    To pass FAR, there is no substitute for doing MCQs over and over and over again.

    First, I would watch the videos while taking notes. Spend a week or two doing this. Watch them straight through. Don't stop to do homework in between.

    Next, I would do the Yaeger assigned homework twice. This may take 3 to 4 weeks.

    Lastly, I would hit the Wiley Online Test Bank hard for 2 to 3 weeks. Do practice tests of 20 MCQ (study mode, not seen yet) until you are sick of it.

    This process will take you 6 to 9 weeks, but you will pass.

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98



    @rgibson “it seemed like too much information to digest” is an understatement. I started studying for FAr in late August. I am just now up to F7 and have done only 900 mcq with wiley… I work full time and go to grad school. I am just nervous i wont finish all those review courses by the end of december. I am hoping to use January just for review since my exam is february 11. but it seem it will be carried over into January. Studying for FAR is like studying for AUD & BEC at the same time, material wise.


    Go through the book, MCQs, your notes three times. It worked for me 🙂

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