FAR nightmare

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  • #199096

    Since you asked, monikernc, I’m not sure what’s up between me and FAR. 6 times with no success. The last time I failed, I lost credit for AUD. That was not a good day. I will take FAR again in January and AUD in February.

    The biggest fear I have now is that I’m not sure exactly what’s tripping me up. I think it’s SIMS. Last exam I had all very esoteric topics that were 100% calculations, no easy drop down menu choices for me. I received Stronger or Comparable on the MCQs, but Weaker on SIMS.

    I have used Roger, Fast Forward Academy and Ninja. I cannot buy a new program right now, but really, I should be able to pass with those. I was trending 63 on Ninja before the exam, but again, I think that was for the MCQ.

    Anyone have a suggestion? I’d feel much better about this retake if I had an actionable plan in place.

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...

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  • #752426

    Try Gleim?

    And memorize all T-account transactions (and calculations) in the book.

    F91 A95 R90 B94
    CMA since 2015
    (Gleim books/PDFs, MCQs, SIMS)


    You are so close. I wonder if you have memorized many of the questions that you have seen in your reviews and if it has been awhile since you performed the deep dig from start to finish. How are you during the actual exam? Can you control anxiety and self-pace to leave enough time for sims? Are you familiar with FASB codification and IFRS standards to get to them quickly during sims? I notice you require educational credits for license – have you had intermediate accounting courses, gov't/non-profit? I guess what I am asking is do you have the necessary foundation to understand the review material? I realize the goal line moves with each update on standards and what is tested. i have a pdf of an intermediate book i can post somewhere for you to download – the chapter questions/solutions are posted online in a few easily google-able places.

    what do you think is happening here? and how can we be of help?

    to lighten things up and because i know you will remember the far side – have you tried this:

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    in addition, it has been posted several times on here that wiley plus has a two week trial period. consider giving that a shot for two intense weeks and see if it helps.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Thanks! I LOVE the Far Side 🙂 It has been awhile since my accounting course work, but I'm only short 1 credit hour. Govt and NFP actually turned out to be my strong areas consistently. F/S accounts and Framework seem weak, and SIMS crush me. I will try going back to some basics to see what I'm missing.

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    i have been thinking about this. use your experience with the exam to your advantage. make a list of the top 12 topics bbonds, govt, fair value, comprehensive income, pensions, etc. for each one write the top 3-5 ways in which you recall being tested. for example, bonds – amortization table, carrying value, premiums, effective interest method. review and rework problems write up tips/tricks. amortization tables lay out the table with each column, put carrying value at start in upper right column, in lower right put face amount. that way you know as you solve across the rows whether you are adding or subtracting to/from carrying value on previous line. govt, list the types of funds and accounting equation and meaurement basis for each type and the list of f/s for each type of fund, etc. get very detailed on your top 12 list.

    your prior exam experience should be leveraged to your advantage. for f/s and accounts review a principles book chapters on adjusting and closing entries w/ fin stmt preparation.
    these are only meant as suggestions. not sure what else you have tried.
    as for sims. fasb gives access to browse the codification. familiarize yourself with structure and find the standards you recall from prior exam sims. the codification is a beast but it does have structure that is somewhat traceable. free access does not include search but browsing through may actually build skill of finding what you need during the exam.
    again, these are just suggestions that i think will be helpful.
    good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Try to use Ninja MCQ and if you are able to rewatch the lectures, then do so. I been rewatching the lectures lately and realized how much more it refreshes my memory on things and began realizing what they ment when they mentioned certain things.

    Also focus more on Simulations, those are make or break. Simulations ruined my first attempt on FAR and i began realizing how important they are to be familiar with. Also if you do ninja, try to do practice questions on questions you have answered wrong. Those are the questions that really help you learn. Most of the questions we get wrong either we dont know the answer, we got tricked by the question or options choices.

    During review stage i literally do 70-100 questions of ninja a day for about 2 weeks. Last one week before exam i do simulations, practice questions that i got wrong and also practice exam (usually one in the beginning of the final week and one maybe a few days before exam just to see where you stand.)

    In your case i would focus a little less on MCQ and more on simulations and you will get it, don't let stress and giving up effect your study and defiantly don't drain yourself out and start getting diminishing returns.

    One last tip is, if you skip a section or paragraph thinking its not important to know, well guess what, your going to hate yourself for skipping that when you get asked about it during the exam so always look over paragraph u tend to skip.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    BEC: 82
    FAR: 80
    REG: 81
    AUD: Last exam, end of may 2016.

    Key to passing the exam is understanding the topic chapter and sections, not just memorizing what you read. The more you practice multiple choice, the greater chance you have to passing the exam.

    mystical guy

    I would start from scratch with FAR & AUD, studying both of them together. At this time, it might be worth it to get one-on-one help from a professional rather than taking your chances again. Even if it's a FAR Bootcamp where they go over strategies for tackling SIMS.

    I was fairly average with Financial Accounting. I studied FAR for two months, and practiced a ton of SIMS and thousands of MCQs. I gave myself enough time to understand the material, to the level of being able to explain JEs to my buddy or anyone on Another71. That's the level of comfort you need with FAR before taking it again – professing level of proficiency.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015


    bump because i see CPA50 stopped in today and folks had chimed in on her thread

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Try yaeger. I use it as study material to prepare my exam. Very helpful. Total preparation time is only 45 days. I passed it in my first try with score 84.


    Thanks! I really can't purchase anything new. I have Ninja and Fast Forward Academy and my textbooks, oh and this new fangled thing called the Internets.

    I'm still pretty paralyzed with fear and putting off the inevitable. SIMS, sims, sims, and oh yes, sims.

    Counting down to January 28th…

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    you will have to push through fear of sims. if you have ninja mcq i would do all sims in conjunction with fasb access. while working the sim in ninja i would pull up fasb and browse to where the guidance is that you need to answer the question. you can get access to the online professional literature to search if you have an nts through nasba or aicpa, other resources. if doing that to solve the sim doesn't work then work through from the solution. i really think a principles book chapter that starts with the trial balance and walks you through the adjusting entries and the financial statements is worth some time. get the basic mechanics down.
    with the sims reading the instructions is so critical. i recall having one that i knew the accounts to debit and credit and i just threw numbers in because i had no idea how to come up with real answers.
    i liked the suggestion to study for aud and far – you may want to buy ninja mcq for aud and do those sims too since many are far based.
    if you dont want to spend money then see if wiley really does have a free two week trial. or gleim. i hear gleim sims are the best. the gleim books have decent sims and can be bought pretty cheap.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    here is nasba request page for the AL


    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Thank you! That is most helpful. Off to happy SIM-land 🙂

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    @monikernc Thank you for that link!


    What does that site do?

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