Falling behind….that's putting it lightly

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  • #161161

    I’ve visited this forum everyday for the past 6 months, dipped my toes into studying, got close to testing, and then fell apart. I feel like this journey will never begin let alone end. I know there are a bunch of people in my same position….married, working full-time, kids, which mine include almost 3 year old twins and an almost 7 year old. I have no idea where to pick up! To make matters worse, the education requirements expire for me 12/31 of this year IF I don’t pass ONE part….

    In the middle of attempting to study and then falling apart, I decided the EA would be a good “filler” so I did that instead. However, each day I read stories on here and realize the potential of the CPA, I come to find that my “falling apart” is not going to be acceptable for much longer if I want to make this happen. I work at a small public firm and my boss is rooting for me to get it done in hopes that within 10 years I can take his place. Let’s just say he’s laid out my future for me, but yet, I can’t seem to get it together πŸ™

    I’m stressed to the max with being a good Mom, wife, employee and settling into a new house, not to mention the slightly bigger mortgage we took on, which can only mean one thing…working more! I know we are all in this same exact spot, I just can’t seem to find a way out. I think about MCQ’s and lectures, which by the way weren’t that bad for me since I am using Roger. My focus is gone the minute I get a question wrong and frustration kicks in.

    I applaud all those Mommies out there (sorry Dads, I know it’s tough on you too, but there is something about being the Mom that stings a little more) and I would love some tips and pointers. I know that it is ultimately up to me and I am the only one who can make myself do it…I guess I’m just looking for some hope.

    I’m not sure where to start at this point….

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  • #291892

    I feel for you doing this with small kids and working full time. That's tough enough even before you throw the exam into the mix. The first thing I'd suggest is to realistically assess your schedule to see if there is any potential study time that you're not taking advantage of. Look at Jeff's early, lunch, late plan and see if you could adapt it to your life. You said your boss is supportive; maybe he'd give you extra time at lunch. Maybe your husband has time in his schedule to have a regular Dad's time with the kids in the evening or on weekends. Once you start studying, figure out what methods are most effective for you and your lifestyle so you get the biggest bang for your buck. For example, I'm a very visual learner so I didn't purchase lectures. Yes, I would have gotten something from them, but I got more from spending my time reading and doing problems.

    Good luck and feel free to ask questions if you need more help. There are lots of great people on this forum.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    Well my kids are a bit older (11 and 18), and there are only 2 of them, but when I started back to school they were 3 and 10 years old and I was a single mom so I can relate on some level. Here are my tips.

    Evaluate what you think a good mom is. Chances are you are setting your standards WAY too high in that respect. Its ok not to go to every playdate, ok not to be the brownie leader, ok to miss a parent teacher night, and ok to have peanut butter and jelly for dinner once in a while. You are not going to be able to “keep up” with mommies who bake fresh cookies and have perfectly cut up fresh fruit on hand at all times. When you do cook, make twice as much (not that much more work to double the ingredients, right?) and freeze the difference. Do that a couple of times and before you know it, your dinners are just a matter of reheating.

    Your new house? Its not going anywhere. I thought I could keep up with all of my projects while I was doing this. ha ha ha! I've got HALF a floor down in my hallway and boxes of tile in the basement. It can wait. People who know me well enough to be at my house in the first place, know how my time is spent these days.

    Ask for help! Or get a young tween girl to hang out with your little ones while you do housework so you can free up that time to study. Its ok to watch a few more Wiggles videos while mom studies. Your kids will not likely remember this short period of time anyway, but AFTER you get your CPA think about all of the wonderful things you can do together as a family that you might not have been able to otherwise!

    I have a wiley book on my ipod that I listen to at work, in the car, while I am walking to dogs. Its better than nothing.

    Basically its ok to stop putting everybody elses needs before your own. In fact in the long run its better for everybody!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I totally feel for you! It's hard for a mom to be selfish because you are always giving so much of yourself for your family, but that is what you have to do–Learn to be selfish and be able to give your study time more priority, and learn not to feel guilty when the house is messier during the week, or not let yourself feel bad for buying more frozen lasagnas for dinner instead of cooking. I'm a big fan of the Early, Lunch, Late method too. It's hard to find 3 hrs of solid study time on a weekday, but easier to find small chunks of time throughout the day. On weekends I try to get everything done on saturday (chores, family time, etc.) then on Sunday I just try to devote as much time as I can to studying. My husband has been really supportive too. I told him how guilty I felt when I didnt cook dinner or do laundry, and how guilty I felt when we couldnt spend time together. He has picked up more of the cleaning and laundry work that I used to do, and joked that now he can spend more time on his own hobbies without HIM feeling bad for ignoring me! Lol. No kids certainly makes it ALOT easier for us. I really like kb's idea about regular daddy time on evenings or weekends.

    What do you mean that your education will expire if you dont pass one part before the end of the year?

    Maybe start with whatever section you think will be easiest, just to get one passed under your belt and save your education requirement.

    In Wiley and Gleim, each chapter is split up into much smaller sub-units, and the MCQ are grouped together by sub-unit. I read the related Ninja notes for that chapter, just get familiar, then I work the MCQ for that sub unit (usually 10-20 questions), and take notes based on the answers (both correct and incorrect). I can usually get through one sub-unit in an hour or so, so I might do one sub-unit in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the late evenings. By the end of the day, I've done half a chapter, so it helps be get through 2-3 chapters in a week, just by taking small bites. And in organizing my notes and test scores by sub-unit, so when I go back through to review, I can really pinpoint which areas I were weaker on. This method was especially helpful for REG and FAR, which I felt like each chapter was just so enormous, and I felt discouraged that it took me so long to get through a chapter. With sub-units, I really feel like Im accompishing something every day beacuse I can do 2-3 subunits in a day.

    Also, for me a test bank really made a difference because I could get instant feedback on my MCQ without spending time turning pages.

    Good luck! You are certainly not alone in this!


    I completely understand where you are coming from. I am a mother of 2 young boys as well. When I started this journey I was not studying the way that was best for me and got frustrated and discourage but the biggest motivation for me was I know that I WANT MY CPA!!! point blank period. The longer I neglect my studying the more I would have to spend trying to catch up or restudying because I failed an exam. I figure that I will go MIA for 6 months (fingers crossed) and then I will never have to do this again and will spend ALL my time with my family. I had to sit down with my family and let them know that mommy has to study for a BIG test and after DEC 1st mommy (5yrs and 16months) will be back to doing all the things she used to, but until then I need your help in making sure u don’t give daddy hard time, you are cleaning your room etc so that I can pass!!! If you do it we are going to DISNEYLAND!!!!! Ha ha worked like a charm and I am getting everything I need done! Guess DISNEYLAND here we come!!! At the end of the day scarifies need to be made and that includes from you and your family.

    Also learning that I got a question wrong further hurts my chances of me getting the next problem right. So I just turn off the option. I will learn my fate AFTER I finish the MCQs. This is how it is on the exam so what is the point of demising my confidence.

    Good Luck!

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    Oh I can totally relate. I got NOTHING done this weekend. Just could not buckle down and focus in on it. I don't get to study during the week unfortunately, my kids are 18 months and almost 3 and there's no father in the picture. I'm stuck relying on my mother to babysit for me. To top it all off if I get my NTS in time I'm scheduling FAR for one of the last few days of this month. Then I'm leaving on a five day bicycle trip (would love to be able to get out of that one), the day I get back we're moving, then the day after that my son starts preschool. Then I get to start hardcore studying for BEC. Don't forget the full-time job – I'm being evaluated for a pay raise on Sept. 15 so I have to step it up there too. I'm exhausted just typing this all out! lol I just keep telling myself how much better off we will be with those 3 little letters after my name. My day care expense is killing me right now. I desperately need the pay the CPA will command.

    Oh and to reward my boys for being so nice and patient with Mommy we're doing Disney World after tax season.

    FAR - 76
    BEC - 69, 75
    AUD - 74, 76
    REG - 67, rematch October 2012


    @kb24 – you're amazing! Look at that timeframe in which you passed! Congrats! Thanks for the support πŸ™‚

    – You're words ring so true and I know it's what I have to do, but not assessing my kids every minute of every single day and worrying about missing a step is one of my “downfalls” although I know it's part of being a parent. I guess my house will still be standing after the exam, just empty still!

    @CalCPASoon – my education (120 cr's) increases to 150 credits for my state, PA. I would have to go back and get the equavalent of a Masters – yikes! Thanks for the pointers!

    – you certainly have your hands full alone. Good luck to you…I'm rooting for you!

    Thanks everyone for the comments and support. When it comes down to it, I basically just have to get my a$$ in gear and suck it up. Point blank!


    Great advice from the others!!

    If you look at the big picture of all you have to study, it makes it 10x harder to wrap your head around it. Remember to review piecemeal. That is how we all do it.

    One of my friends lost her REG credit because she thought the rest would be too overwhelming. It's not. If I can do you, you can too. Getting started is one of the hardest parts.

    We are here to motivate and support you πŸ˜‰


    “When it comes down to it, I basically just have to get my a$$ in gear and suck it up. Point blank!”

    Amen to that! lol

    FAR - 76
    BEC - 69, 75
    AUD - 74, 76
    REG - 67, rematch October 2012



    I think you've got the point that the underlying theme here is that you have to make up your mind that passing the exam is a top priority now and that other things have to give. If you just look at my dates it looks like I'm amazing, but that's not the whole story. I graduated over 5 years ago but didn't get a job or take the CPA exam because I was dealing with my mother's dementia. While I wasn't providing day-to-day care, there were constant crises that required huge amounts of my time. I tried studying off and on for about 3 1/2 years but never even scheduled an exam let alone took one. I had essentially given up because I didn't see the point if I was never going to get a job . Things have been calmer for the last year or so, and I decided at the beginning of this year that I could go to work. Given the economy, my lack of accounting work experience, and the age of my degree I felt that I needed to do something to improve chances so I decided to take the entire exam by the end of the second test window. I thought it was doable because I don't work (yet) and don't have young children so I could study full time. Setting that goal with a firm date in mind was the key for me. It didn't matter what obstacles I encountered; I just dealt with them and moved on because I'd made this commitment to myself. The worst was when I didn't get my NTS for FAR in time to schedule it at the end of February. I just told myself I could do them all in one window. The hardest thing for my perfectionist nature to accept was that I just had to take the exams and it was OK if I failed. You just have to figure out what the key is for you.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    I wish you all the luck. Sometimes small sacrifices in the short run really hurt, but they are so worth the huge gains in the long run. You really can do this and your entire family will be better because of it!

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!



    What kb24 said about setting the goal with a firm date in mind is really key. I've had to alter mine a bit seeing as how the exam costs money and I have none but I am still under a strict deadline to have all four parts taken by the time tax season kicks off. I have my times where I just can't focus on the studying (mostly because of other life problems/commitments) but I will do this!! Passing this exam is straight up working your a$$ off, perseverance, and determination. Of course this is coming from someone who still has yet to take the first part so take it for it's worth πŸ™‚

    FAR - 76
    BEC - 69, 75
    AUD - 74, 76
    REG - 67, rematch October 2012


    I can sympathize as well. I have a 4 yr old and #2 due in October. Until I decided in my head that I wanted to pass the exam, nothing anyone else did or bribed could have made it happen. I had to decide for myself that it's something I was going to commit to. I am able to study for a while at work each day and then I study after my 4 yr old goes to bed. On weekends I try to get at least a couple of hours to go sit at the coffee shop to study. I've found that if I try to study at home on the weekends, I'm too distracted by hearing my daughter, feeling like there's laundry to do, wanting to take a nap, etc. When I'm able to get out of the house, I forget about all of those other things that I feel I should be doing.

    It's really a matter of committing to it for YOU and then figuring out a routine that works… Good luck!


    asleephere – you're so right about nothing else being able to convice you. I can see where you came up with your username…you're situation makes me tired just reading about it! It's one thing to have little ones running around, but another to be pregnant.

    After the much needed AND appreciated motivation from here, I dusted off my books last night, applied for my NTS for REG and quickly ordered some rugs for my house, which should hold me over until I can get to the boxes πŸ™‚

    Since I've been through my REG books once already, I am going to attempt at the end of August – given there is a seat. If not, I'll take at the beginning of October and another mid-November in hopes that I don't loose my education requirement by passing at least one part.

    Thanks again, guys!


    You guys can't hear me, but I am clapping over here. Wow. I commend you all for doing this rollercoaster ride with young ones. I don't think I had the wherewithall to do the same at that stage.

    I have no doubt that you will all succeed in your endeavors. Really inspiring. I feel like you gave me new meaning to one of my favorite quotes:

    “if we did all that we were capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” thomas edison

    best of luck to you all!!!


    Love the quote yankee!

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85

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