Failed REG with a 70, retake or try FAR again?

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  • #198918

    I got my score last night. A 70 on REG. Nevertheless, I’m disappointed in myself.

    Im seeking opinions. I really need a win soon to help me fell like I’m not a complete idiot who is unable to pass the CPA exam.

    Option 1. I buckle down & attempt REG again in February and immediately move on to REG for 2nd quarter window. Materials: I still have ninja mcqs for REG but will need to renew soon. I have ninja book, notes, & flashcards. Might add Ninja audio or some other materials to have something fresh. Have only FAR flashcards & old Gliem study book. Overall expenses: Dec, Exam fee & mcq renewal for REG. Feb, FAR exam fee, ninja book, notes & mcqs for FAR. Total = 2 exam fees, 2 mqs sets, ninja book, & ninja notes.

    Option 2. Set up FAR exam for end of February, study my butt off for 2 months & give it my best. Schedule REG for May & study my butt off for 3 months & take another crack at it. Materials: Need to buy Ninja FAR book, notes, mcqs & maybe even add audio. Then will have to get REG mcq renewal & add audio or something. Overall costs: Dec, FAR exam fees, mcqs, book, notes, & maybe audio. Feb, REG exam fee, mcqs, & maybe audio.

    I’m leaning towards option 1. Less costs right away. Tax return will help with 2nd round of costs. Most of REG material is still fresh, but I dont want to get burned out and do worse on future exams.

    Anyone want to weigh in or vote on my next step?

    FAR - 61 (1/15), Rematch - NEXT
    REG - 70 (11/15), Rematch - Coming after next FAR Exam
    BEC - Planning in 2016 after FAR & REG Wins
    AUD - Planning in 2016 after FAR, REG & BEC wins

    Good things don't come to those who wait.
    Good things come to those who work their A$$es off
    and never give up!

    Every negative experience has taught me something.
    I am like the weathered willow,
    I bend with the wind,

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  • Author
  • #751366

    I failed AUD the first time I took it – It was the first part I attempted and instead of restudying I moved on to BEC. Hindsight is 20/20. I just retook AUD (and passed!) but I regretted my decision to move on when I had to start studying for AUD all over. I suggest going back to REG while it is fresh on your mind.

    AUD: 9/2015: 68, 11/2015: 80
    BEC: 10/2015: 78
    REG: TBD


    Stick to one till you pass it. I failed REG the first time too.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry

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