Failed FAR, need suggestions

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  • #2714535

    I just failed FAR, 67. I used Becker to prepare the test. Here are my situation and problems:
    1. Reviewed material twice, book+video, didn’t do lot MCQ;
    2. I thought I understood the knowledge, but actually I DIDN’T, I thought I am good at bond, but I couldn’t even understand what it was asking during the test;
    3. Should I change the material to Roger now? Since I think I didn’t really grasp the knowledge, I thought I need to have someone who can explain to me step by step.
    4. Or should I just do the MCQ by using NINJA?
    I plan to retake in November this year.Any advice is appreciated!
    Good luck on your study and test!

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  • #2714976

    Hi Allison, you sound just like I did a few months ago. I failed FAR big time a few months back with a 58. I didn’t do to much MCQ the first time or too many SIMS.

    After failing I purchased the final review course from Becker, went through it start to end to get a high level understanding of everything cemented. Then I went to the material I knew I was really bad on (worst sections) and redid all of the skills practice. After that, I sucked it up and did all of the MCQ, all 1776 of them. I beat the heck out of MCQ, then did a lot more sims. I didn’t listen to any lectures, just did MCQs, skills practice, and sims, came back and got a 78.

    We all learn differently, but this is my experience. Hope something is helpful.


    Hi Allison,

    I failed FAR July 2018 (64). Didn't study or even think about my CPA plans until April 2019. Was completely bummed. Gave FAR another go and found out I passed this morning (88).
    I used Wiley and am not familiar with any other materials, but my main advice is give yourself two FULL weeks to review. Work the MCQs and TBS problems for the full two weeks. I identified which sections I struggled with, and spent a full day only doing MCQs from those sections. Some sections I even went back and read/watched the videos. Then I would do MCQs/TBSs for all sections.
    After finishing the material (before my review), I was not confident about where I was. But walking into the testing center was a completely different story because of that 2 week review of MCQ/TBSs.
    That's what I would recommend.

    You got this

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