Failed again and need a change - Page 2

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  • #163187

    First off I have occasionally looked around these forums for advice. Now I’m at a point where I could use some direct help. I’ve taken two sections, FAR and AUD, and failed both with a 71 and 68 respectively. I know in the grand scheme of things it not bad, but I’m tired of failing. I am currently unemployed due to some shady moves from my past employer. Instead of just waiting and trying to deal with this job market, I decided to take some control and finally pursue my CPA. so in my mind I feel like i have no excuse for failing since its all i do everyday(study all day i mean, not failing. not that much of a debbie downer here).

    I have been using Yaeger CPA thus far. I do the lectures and use the Wiley test bank. I go to the test scoring in the mid to high 80s. I will say I feel kind of meh about the lectures. I’m sure they are just fine, but I have always had issues focusing on lectures. Unless it was straight to the point and cut out the fluff i zoned out in a bad way. I tended to to better with more hands on approaches or with lectures that really laid things out in a logical manner. My gut feeling is the Wiley text books over complicate things for me.

    So given this and my frustrations I have begun thinking about finding a review method that suits me better. I’m currently looking at Becker, but seriously apprehensive about the cost. My mother has been my hero in helping me finance all of this, but I hate to have her drop 3k without being sure of the results. I am also looking at Roger CPA. He seems to have a more modern approach that could potentially hold my attention (i swear i must have adult ADD). I hope I’m mistaken here but it looks like he also uses the Wiley books. it does mention his own material. I’m just not sure if its just handouts like with Yaeger or full fledged text books.

    Sorry that became a bit of a novel. In short any advice or recommendations in any form would be most welcome here. I’m getting discouraged, but and desperately trying to stay positive. I take BEC next Wednesday and in light of recent results, but motivation isn’t feeling to hot on this one.

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  • #310364

    Ok I feel much better after reading this thread. I'm not working and haven't worked since June. I've been studying and taking parts of the CPA exam. Unfortunately I have passed NOTHING and found out last night that I lost my REG credit. 6 months of not working and now I have nothing to show for it. I'm so beyond disgusted. I scored in the 50's on FAR and BEC. I just don't get it. Am I not cut out for this? Anyways, my husband doesn't make enough for me to continue wasting my time and our money doing this so I'm officially looking for a job. Guess I'll attempt this cpa exam thing in January….

    I've been using Becker. But my software will expire in June 2012. This thread definitely lifted my spirits a little bit. 🙂 I know I'm not alone in this battle.

    REG - 78 Expired 11/24/11 - Oct/Nov 2013
    FAR - Retake for the 5th time - Jan/Feb 2013
    BEC - Retake for the 4th time - April/May 2013
    AUD - Retake for the 3rd time - July/Aug 2013


    I just took AUD yesterday for the first time and I felt pretty ok/good about the multiple choice questions, but the Sim's were very challenging and I did not feel so great about them. Just to share with you Pele, I am using MDS CPA Review (Steve Martin). I also used some of my friends materials she had and I used for questions. Since I just took the test yesterday, I can't say how I will score, but MDS is more condensed than some of the other material I've seen (I have saw my friends Kaplan and Becker books). Sometimes it does not always explain the wrong answers to questions, which is a downfall. I do have three friends who used it and passed all four parts, and one who is using now and has passed two and failed one thus far using it. I would've chosen Becker though if it wasn't for the cost, but I got MDS for under $2,000. Just wanted to give you my perspective as far as cost and more condensed material. As far as studying techniques I'm still learning that part myself so I really enjoy reading these thread's for ideas such as the writing things out and typing. It's so nice to get other peoples perspectives and know theres so many people in the same boat.

    AUD - PASSED - 84 -(11/21/11)
    REG - PASSED - 83 -(1/17/12)
    BEC - PASSED - 86 -(2/28/12)
    FAR - PASSED - 84 -(5/14/12)
    I AM DONE!!!!

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