Exam in three days….best use of time?

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    Hi All! I’ve failed REG now twice…I got a 73 the first time and a 74 the second. The last time I took it was about a year ago. I am three days away from my exam, just finished going through Becker and am curious how I should spend my next three days? Do I go through and read/take notes in a notebook again, then pound MCQ for two days or do I just go pound MCQ for two days. I have the NINJA test bank but have not used it yet. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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  • #1863814

    deff go over your notes, NINJA notes, look at the AICPA Blueprint for sims that you want to go over, and a day before the exam deff go over the AICPA Practice exam on their website. Good Luck!!


    I have a test in 3 days as well and I am splitting my time between certain sections of the Becker book and hammering MCQ's on NINJA. I love NINJA's mcq's because it tells you what you did wrong immediately rather than having to wait until the end of the progress test (and then not having the motivation to figure out what you did wrong on each problem). I've completed 2 Becker Mock exams and will save the final one for the day before the test.


    IMO MCQs are the most efficient use of your time and concentrate it toward weak area. Do the AICPA practice exam. Even if you already did it do it again. It will prepare you for what to expect on the TBS section..


    Absolutely use Ninja as this will allow you to apply your knowledge learned from Becker to new questions. Becker + Ninja = SUCCESS! Best of luck!


    Thank you all! I guess thinking about it I was never one to really take notes so I'll maybe just hit MCQ for three days and read up on my weak sections. Thanks!


    Remember to relax and keep a strong mind and body is very important as well.


    @another81 — did you feel Wiley's MCQ Bank was enough?


    Well it's the final day before my exam. I still haven't made my way over to NINJA, but am hoping to pound NINJA MCQ this afternoon. I've been trying to focus on questions I missed on Becker thus far. I still can't decide if it was a good idea taking off a full week before my exam because I've been getting pretty antsy since the 4th. I think I have a solid 45-50 hours into studying though so I've been productive. Thanks all!


    Keeping working on any weak areas while refreshing the other information. And continue to do as many MCQs as possible.

    REG - 74, Retook 6/10/16, scored a 72 (Hate this exam)
    BEC - 69, 79, 8/1/15
    AUD - 83, 4/4/15
    FAR - 77, 2/27/16


    Well I took it today. MCQ were fine, but the sims were awful. I foresee another fail coming my way.


    I failed REG 3 (maybe 4) times as well… lol.

    3 days before, I would just work the heck out of MCQ, and the day before I would take it lightly, at that point I would prioritize rest, eating, and making sure you're mentally prepared. Trust all the work that has come before then, good luck!


    @HT415 Did you fail 4 times? I see you passed from your signature. I pretty much did the same thing as you as far as prep. I wanted to give myself time to pound NINJA MCQ but ran out of time so I only used Becker. I guess we’ll see. It’s just really disappointing to me.


    U might have done better than u think. I HATE REG & BEC. So I studied alot for them. I kind of slacked on AUD, but I'm stronger in that area. Plus I was tired from the other 2.
    I did Ninja notes, Ninja MCQ, and AICPA for re-takes.
    I read the Becker stuff, cuz it's good, then incorporated Becker stuff into my NINJA notes. I used diff colored pens & got it bound. I then rewrote all those notes 1x a week & did almost all NINJA MCQ & Sims twice.
    My obstacle was not feeling dumb & giving up. I lucky to have u guys & such a sweet husband.

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