Does your company pay for exam fees and study materials? - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #162191

    Just wondering if everyone is paying out of pocket or if they’re company is paying the costs…

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85

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  • Author
  • #303515

    @CannotPassAgain – For the most part. I'm just happy to have a job. There are things I could gripe about, but overall the company is pretty good. The one thing I will say is that my boss needs some stress management other than “make Kandis cry at work.” Most of the time he's pretty cool, but man, he can be mean as hell to me sometimes. I'm really sensative so this is actually a bigger drawback to the job than it might be for most people. But oh well… I'll live. As long as I'm getting paid to be abused, I guess it's okay.

    I also forgot to add that my company paid for my ethics exam, fingerprinting, etc etc for my application. They also cover continuing education.

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    I work in the product accounting department of the nations 2nd largest home improvement retailer , they pay all exam fees (only for 1st attempt) and the cost of all study materials

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 91
    REG - 80
    FAR - Nov 26th 75 I'M DONE!!!


    @kandis well let's hope your boss doesn't read this blog! lol


    @CannotPass – There's no way. But even if he did… Oh well. What's the worst that could happen? He might actually realize that he hurts my feelings? Oh no…

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    I paid for the Becker review course at a discount and I paid for the state fees. I feel you're more motivated when you spend your own money rather than your companies (but it doesn't hurt).


    I work in the accounting department of a small/mid-size publicly traded company. My boss agreed to pay for all of my exam fees, licensing, etc but not my study materials. It ended up covering about 1/2 of my expenses. No complaints here!


    I work for a Big Four fresh out of college. They pay for my Becker review material and they reimburse me for exam fees for my first attempt at all four parts (I have to pay for all retakes)……the motivation is the bonus they give you for passing within your first year with the firm. Either way, after we pass no company can take the letters after your name away from you.


    I work for the Department of Defense and they paid for the Becker Review course plus brought an instructor on-site so I could go to class on work time. HOwever, if you fail to pass within 2 years you are required to reimburse the government for the cost of the review course. They paid for all passed exam fees, state license fees, renewal fees, and have on-site training classes during work hours to cover the CPE requirements. I really can't complain compared to most. There was no automatic salary increase on passing. Working for the government, we are on a salary freeze last year and next year and I think the year after that. So there is no hope of a pay increase unless you get promoted and most areas are on a hiring freeze so those opportunities are minimal at best. However, I am still thankful I at least have a job where others are not so fortunate.


    if it's true gov't workers work no more than 40 hours a week and they give you 2 years to pass the cpa, i'll take that for a few years over a pay raise..

    sometimes i don't know if the pay for an accountant is worth all the stress of having to work these crazy hours i always hear about.

    whenever i see alumnus at fraternity events who now work for the big 4, they all have raccoon eyes


    I work for a small CPA firm. I pay for all costs out of pocket and am using Becker. Extremely expensive. =( But worth it.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    it's a joke that the DoD brings in an on-site instructor. just another example of how government bleeds the taxpayers while industry is forced to do things more cheaply and efficiently…

    REG - 81
    BEC - 88
    AUD - 85
    FAR - 81

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