Does anyone go through studying and NOT take notes on the text?

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  • #194531

    For FAR, I went through Wiley’s program and took notes but found it slowed me down a lot. Once I got to doing Ninja MCQ every day, I would take notes on things I got wrong, but rarely if ever went back to the notes I took. I did use Ninja notes and wrote some stuff here and there to go over

    I still passed with a 76.

    Now I’m taking AUD and I hear it’s a lot of memorization. Has anyone gone without writing out their own notes and passed?

    (I’m using Wiley and Ninja 10 pt combo)

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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  • #670634

    I never wrote notes. I did make some flashcards for BEC and AUD. AUD has a lot of particular memorization you need to get down somehow- whatever works for you. For me I found doing the flashcards after the fact was the best because I could hone in on those areas I found tricky.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Buy Ninja Notes. WORTH the money and saves you the misery of writing random notes. As you read along make notes in the book or high light so that it stands out when you review. Otherwise, making notes does not make the best use of your time. I'd rather be more hands on with multiple choice questions & use the Ninja Notes to give a good refresher every day.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 82
    REG - 79
    BEC - 78

    Study Materials: Becker Self Study, NINJA Notes, NINJA MCQ for review
    Started March 2015 and finished December 2015 all on first attempt. Licensed CPA Jan 2016.

    IT Auditor/CyberSec Consultant in Public Accounting
    Future goals: Learn IT Network infrastructure, obtain CISA & CISSP


    I don't take notes or highlight anything, but I make my own flashcards for definitions, important formulas, and concepts I have a hard time remembering.

    It's quick and easy to do and then you have a stack of flashcards to constantly drill so you don't forget things. I have a stack of about a thousand or so cards that I've made for the 3 exams I've taken so far.

    FAR - Aug '14 - 90
    AUD - Jan '15 - 91
    REG - May '15 - 93
    BEC - July '15 - 85

    Used CPAexcel exclusively
    Master of Science in Accounting (focus in Tax) May '15


    @spartancpa15 how long does it take you to go through all your flashcards? I'm assuming you have on average over 300 for each exam so do you just read them or do you actually take the time to test yourself for recall? I currently take notes but wanted to see if flashcards was a better approach. I do flashcards in quizlet for formulas and information that I know I need to remember but I'm not the best about going back to them. I do better by reading/skimming my notes but not sure if that is the best use of my time since I do take quite a while writing, organizing, re-writing notes. Thanks.

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    @Zumo76 It usually takes an hour or two to go through a set of cards for an exam, and yes I do test myself for recall as the point is to memorize what is on the card. During my final review week I can go through the whole stack multiple times so I can be sure I know them all. As I go through them I can set aside cards that I know really well, so by the end I have a (hopefully smaller) stack of more difficult cards that I can focus most of my review time on.

    Also, I think that physically writing out a flash card does even more to help you remember it.

    FAR - Aug '14 - 90
    AUD - Jan '15 - 91
    REG - May '15 - 93
    BEC - July '15 - 85

    Used CPAexcel exclusively
    Master of Science in Accounting (focus in Tax) May '15


    Actually, as test date got closer and I wanted to get through Wiley CPAExcel's program, I started just skipping the book, reading the slideshows and getting through the MCQ. Then I learned the most using Ninja MCQ!! Crazy. I might do that for AUD too, I feel like it just slows me down to read through everything Wiley has

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I write notes on MCQs that I miss or something that looks important in the study text (like list, because list are very testable). Also, if I'm really struggling with a concept I outline the key concepts.

    Although, to be completely honest I never review my notes. The process of writing it down is what helps me learn.

    @Jeff has the correct approach regarding re-writing notes.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    I didn't really do notes over the text. I tried, but I just felt like it wasn't worth the time.

    To be honest, I didn't have a “strategy,” and I did different things for each exam. The one technique that I think helped more than any other was writing problem-solving notes on the MCQs. I did this extensively for FAR (because it was my first exam, and I trended toward overpreparation) and BEC (because it was my last exam and, for career reasons, I really, really, really needed to pass it the first time).

    I would get a legal pad, go through the MCQ, and write down the key steps for arriving at the correct answer for each TYPE of question. In B2 (Becker), for example, you get question after question after question on direct materials cost, direct labor cost, equivalent units, finished goods inventory, etc. There's no need to make detailed notes about each question because they're all basically the same. I would just draw up the process for how to calculate the different items they asked for. When I got a question about joint product costs, I'd flip to the pages in my notes where I had written down how to solve these problems, and I'd just follow the steps until I could do them without referring to notes. By exam day, the calculations were second nature.

    I got in the habit of going through a mental checklist (I did the same for lease problems in FAR) each time I answered a calculation question. For more conceptual material, after finishing each section of MCQs, I would make a list of the most heavily “tested” concepts from that section and then write down what I knew about each one. Once I had gone through all the homework once, I'd have a legit set of notes to review when I was doing practice exams and progress tests.


    @Casey I feel the same way. I feel like I'm going to attack each one differently. So the bottom paragraph you wrote there…is that the one you did for AUD?

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I didn't take notes on anything, and even though I had NINJA Notes, I couldn't get much out of them, either. I'm not a notes-person and never have been. When I'm sitting in a lecture, I'll take notes but never use them; outside of the lecture hall, I can't even make myself take notes. I tried re-writing NINJA Notes, probalby did 3 pages total for all 4 exams – I'm not a notes-minded person, so I couldn't make myself do it and didn't feel it was beneficial.

    I also passed all 4 on the first try. For many people (based on what I've seen here, I'd say the majority), notes are essential to learning, so I'm not advising that they not be used. However, I am advising that different people learn differently, so if you don't think notes will help you, don't feel that you have to take them. You might be like me and be a note-free CPA in the near future. 🙂


    Also not a note person. The closest I came was copying and pasting the explanations from MCQs that I had trouble with into Evernote to review later.


    I didn't really take notes or make flash cards on any section. I relied on Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQ, and CPAExcel. Worked for me, but it might not work for everyone.

    AUD: 69, 86
    REG: 73, 87
    BEC: 76
    FAR: 92
    Ethics: 93

    Licensed on June 8, 2015


    @Tcohle, I didn't study that much for AUD. I really got kind of lazy after doing as well as I did on FAR and REG and just sort of winged it with AUD because I knew there wouldn't be any legit calculations. I did not do well on the MCQs on my exam, but I crushed the Sims, which is the only reason I passed.

    For BEC, I cracked down a lot harder on conceptual stuff. Made a lot of lists, drew a lot of diagrams, and used flashcards pretty extensively (NINJA flashcards are great if you get them on the Brainscape app … I love that you can indicate your level of mastery on each card, and the app will continue showing the ones you haven't mastered until you have them down).


    I never took notes, did flashcards or anything like that. I watched the Becker lectures and highlighted/underlined along with the instructors. May seem dumb but it forced me to actively participate in the lecture. The only time I went back through anything was when I had trouble with a topic during MCQ's. Efficient and effective for me but each individual is different. Find what works for you and stick with it.


    I actually didn't take notes in a notebook when I studied for Audit, I just wrote down and highlighted what they said to, and then wrote down any multiple choice question I got incorrect.

    Since then I've started to take notes on everything since it helped focus during lectures.

    AUD - 08/04/14 - 83
    FAR - 11/29/14 - 80
    REG - 02/26/15 - 89
    BEC - 05/30/15 - 86


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