I didn't really do notes over the text. I tried, but I just felt like it wasn't worth the time.
To be honest, I didn't have a “strategy,” and I did different things for each exam. The one technique that I think helped more than any other was writing problem-solving notes on the MCQs. I did this extensively for FAR (because it was my first exam, and I trended toward overpreparation) and BEC (because it was my last exam and, for career reasons, I really, really, really needed to pass it the first time).
I would get a legal pad, go through the MCQ, and write down the key steps for arriving at the correct answer for each TYPE of question. In B2 (Becker), for example, you get question after question after question on direct materials cost, direct labor cost, equivalent units, finished goods inventory, etc. There's no need to make detailed notes about each question because they're all basically the same. I would just draw up the process for how to calculate the different items they asked for. When I got a question about joint product costs, I'd flip to the pages in my notes where I had written down how to solve these problems, and I'd just follow the steps until I could do them without referring to notes. By exam day, the calculations were second nature.
I got in the habit of going through a mental checklist (I did the same for lease problems in FAR) each time I answered a calculation question. For more conceptual material, after finishing each section of MCQs, I would make a list of the most heavily “tested” concepts from that section and then write down what I knew about each one. Once I had gone through all the homework once, I'd have a legit set of notes to review when I was doing practice exams and progress tests.