Did I make a mistake choosing Becker?

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  • #195212

    I just completed AUD course on Becker and will be starting BEC next week. I am also on the Fastpass schedule so it is really intense, though not as bad as I though it would be. However, I’m starting to second guess myself choosing Becker. When I was going through AUD last week, I successfully went through the lectures and listened really carefully, but when it came to doing the homework and the simulations, I was pretty much banging my head against the wall. I had to cram study for hours just to barely pass the homework. Granted, I still did not do spectacularly. Plus, I felt obligated to finish the homework all in one day even though my courses are not live, so I felt rushed as well. Also, keep in mind that I have anxiety and trying to study for hours and feeling like I have such a deadline to finish all the hours worth of homework for one chapter in less than a day only to do not-so-well made me question my sanity.

    When I decided on Becker, I felt rushed because I was tired of wasting away my life before I decided to start studying for the CPA exam. When I graduated college in 2012, I could not find a job with my degree so I went back to school to take all the required courses to take the CPA exam and become licensed. And I thought I was finally starting to get my life in order, but after multiple panic attacks last week because I had trouble doing the homework and studying over and over and still not completely getting it, I am starting to lose all hope. I’m starting to think Becker is just not matching my learning style. Maybe I should have chosen Wiley CpaExcel or Roger? But I didn’t waste $3500 on Becker just to give up. What should I do? I’m starting to second guess myself that I can even pass the CPA exam… and second guessing myself on choosing Becker.

    Also, please don’t bash me. I did not come here to be made fun of for my mistakes.

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  • #676689

    You have already sunk money into the review course. It's a sunk cost now. Pondering about what could've been will do you no good. You just have to suck it up and put in the effort and make the best of the situation at this point. Passing the CPA exams takes work and dedication. There is no easy way around it. You have to pay your dues just like everyone here on A71 that have either passed or are currently studying and taking the exams.


    Yes it's a sunk cost so I will stick with Becker. But what I am trying to say that I'm barely pulling 70-75% on all the homework. I thought after a four hour lecture and studying effectively I was thinking that I would pull off at least a 90, so I don't know what I am doing wrong. And if a 75 is needed on the CPA exam, then I don't think it is looking good if I can barely or not even score a 75 on the homework, even after I studied for 8-10 hours.


    75% is decent. I get between 40-50% doing mcq's the first time. It does not reflect whether I will pass the exams. Comprehending the materials and knowing how to apply it is what will help you pass the exams. That's where repitition plays in. You have to keep working at it. I said before that Review course and the Actual exam are different. You wil not get the same exact questions as in the review course. The review course is only to prepare you and help you master the concepts to pass he exam. The other part is whether you are willing to put in the effort.


    I think you are making the mistake that the exam is based on percentages…. It is not and it is weighted based on question difficulty. The AICPA has a huge pdf doc on the psychometrics of how the CPA exam is scored.

    Therefore, I suggest you re-evaluate your learning style and to be blunt – recognize that the questions are designed to screw with you – you will not get 90 percent on the first try – you are learning. From your post, you are still getting 75 percent which is darn good for your beginning stages of studying for a section 🙂

    Keep up the good work and let us know if you have questions

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    It isn't anything wrong with you. I felt that the schedule for live lectures (regular session) were too close together! It leaves you feeling like you just have enough time to barely grasp the concepts, but no where near enough time to master them.

    I do not think that it is a bad idea to do all the questions in one day, but maybe you can take 2-3 days going back over the areas you struggled in. Somethings are just naturally going to stick better than others. I am not 100% familiar with fastpass, but are there multiple chapters or is it just one giant curriculum?

    What are your plans for taking the exam?


    And to follow-up after seeing skynet post again – he is dead on – you can't be perfect the first time through – the MC questions are designed to trick you

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Ok thank you. I feel better. My plan is to take all the exams before December so I still have some time. But now, my focus is to continue studying and doing the homework until I can grasp the concept and feel confident that I am ready. So it looks like Becker wasn't the problem; I just wasn't completely studying the right way. Now I know I just have to keep doing the homework over and over and continue studying while I am at it.

    Also, too bad there is no testing in September, so I might as will use that as an opportunity to study on my own that entire month (my last class for Becker Fastpass is August 15th).


    So you don't have a plan? You need to schedule or you will never take. No candidate (almost) has never felt ready because the scope and vast material.

    What section are you taking first?

    Edit – fastpass done on 8/15/15 – take a test on 8/30/15?

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Yes. I'm planning to take FAR in late August since that is my last class and it will be fresh in my memory. Plus, I just want to get FAR over with because I hear that that is probably the hardest section. Between 8/15 and 8/30 I will do nothing but study for FAR on my own. I plan to take the remaining three sections starting in early October.


    Once you actually take the exam you will know how much more you need to do or hopefully, if you did what you needed to do. I failed AUD and FAR, which were my first 2 exams. With REG I knew that I needed to really understand the material and that going through the questions alone wasn't enough. This is probably a little premature, but once you have worked Becker so many times that you are answering correctly based on memorization, I strongly encourage you to seek different MCQs. I used cpaforfree,com, but NINJA is really inexpensive. I felt for REG applying my knowledge to different types of questions helped me pass.


    okay – good!! are studying between fastpass sessions?

    From reading your posts, it looks like you are going to nail these exams!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Yes. This week I am studying for AUD on my own since I have no classes. But unfortunately, I have no gap in between my remaining three classes (except for three weekends) so I will just have to make do and not fool around. But no pain, no gain right?


    If you can, try to make notes of the stuff you need to pay extra attention on when you are doing your final review. Especially FAR because there is just so much covered. At least if you have a list of weaker areas you know where your time is better utilized.


    Why are you studying for AUD if you are taking FAR in August???

    And what is the fastpass schedule like? 8-5?

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    I *think* fastpass is taking all the prep lectures in a super condensed period of time, like 8 weeks for all 4 exams.

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