thats too bad, thanks! Any suggestions on good affordable products (Gleim maybe?) ……too that point I ordered something off eBay for AUD , (description pasted below)
Given that its 2010 what’s the risk that there’s old info? It was only $5 and Im in the car 2+ hrs Mon-Fri so I’d really like to use this time
Thanks again!
What I did was I recorded the audio while watching the lectures. I spent hours and hours doing this so you don't have to! The quality is great. You can preview the sound quality below.
Part 1:
1. Audited Financial Statements – the basics
2. Professional Standards
3. Reports on audited financial statements
4. Reports on comparative financial statements
5. Events occuring after year-end
6. Reporting on other information
Part 2:
1. Quality Control Standards
2. Other engements, reports, and accounting services
3. Compilation and review of financial statements
4. Reporting on comparative financial statements
5. Review of interim financial information
6. Letters for underwriters
7. Attest engagements
Part 3:
1. Planning and Supervision
2. Fraud and Illegal Acts
3. Risk assessment
4. Internal control
5. Responding to assessed risks
Part 4:
1. Transaction cycles
2. Audit documentation
3. Audit evidence
4. Evidential procedures for selected accounts
5. Audit evidence: miscellaneous items
Part 5:
1. Audit sampling
2. The effect of information technology on the audit
3. Internal control communications
4. Government auditing
5. Communication with those charged with governance
6. Management representations