CPA Fatigue????

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  • #192906

    HEy ninja so I have passed 3 exams. I am on my last one and find it almost unbearable to study. I find any and every excuse not to study. I took a week off after last exam. It is soooooo hard to get back in the swing. I need to because my final exam BEC is in 3 weeks. I still have 200 pages to cover in CPAexcel. Anybody else have this problem? and how did you overcome?


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  • #661600

    I was in your same position this past window. I just had to power through it. I made sure I was done with reading the material at least 2 weeks prior and then I did 2000 MCQ within those two weeks. I would break it up into 30-45min intervals where I would study 30-45min and then break for 15min to go do something else fun and then repeat. I absolutely hated studying BEC since it encompassed all of my weak areas. It wasn't until that last two weeks that I did serious studying and, as you can see from my score, it barely paid off. Take breaks often but study seriously in the study time.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes


    Thank sound like a good plan. Thanks


    What study material did you use for BEC?


    All of this for 3 Letters, you feel CPA fatigue after passing 3 parts in 5 months. I wouldn't like to see you after studying for 18 Months and losing credits like some fine folks here.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    I'm in the same boat…BEC is such a bore…My exam is in less than 9 days..its hard but I also manage to push myself and rework about 200 MQS a a chapter a day..30 question here..40 there and so on…

    The thought of having to retake BEC is what drives me…some days I feel like I'm over doing it..I gave myself 5 weeks to study…took a couple days off after taking REG..

    Good luck..


    I used CPAexcel also. I didn't care for it too much though. I just read through the study text and did the EQ. I learned the most out of the ninja questions though. They were much harder than CPAexcel and pissed me off many times. When that would happen I'd go back to Cpaexcel and do those a while and then go back to ninja when I calmed down.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes


    Here's a totally stupid idea that works.

    Write down the following goals and hang them up where you can see them. Every day, read through these goals and plan out when you will accomplish them.

    1. Make bed

    2. Study your material for BEC.

    -Break down your daily study session into 4 parts or mini sections that will be easy to accomplish.

    3. Do 50 MCQ's, or however many you think you can do each day.

    The secret is in your ability to accomplish small wins. Like making the bed. Something very simple, yet when you do it as part of your daily goals, you will feel an immediate sense of accomplishment that will parlay into your study plan. Your brain will feel rewarded and you will be able to turn this routine into a daily study habit. Simple routines and easy habits will help you develop and stay focused on creating a study habit. I know it sounds stupid at first, but it really works!

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's


    It's very common to get burnt out when you are on your last test, no matter how long you've been at this. Just keep your eye on the prize. I found that the more active I was in the study group the more I felt accountable to the other test takers and I pushed myself a little harder. That won't work for every one, but you can try it and see if it works for you. You could also come up with a “reward” for yourself for when you are done. Something that you can't get or do until you've completed the exam. Something you really want. That may motivate you to finish. Everyone is different and everyone has to use different methods to get through the burn out. Tell yourself it has to be done and do it any way you can.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Agree with mamabear- being active in the study group has helped me…even if it's just to answer questions people have. Also agree with the “reward” idea.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    You're almost there! My fatigue started after my second exam. For my last two, I learned the majority of the material in the last weekend before I went. I thought this wasn't possible at first, but I proved a true procrastinator can always make it work. So if you are a procrastinator at heart, wait until the last week or so before you start freaking out.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Mamabear is back! She is the biggest reason I passed REG, so I totally agree with the Study Group comment!

    Thanks for the tip, y_u_no_pass – I have my exam in less than 2 weeks and am beginning to freak out. I have had tons of medical stuff going on with my family that has seriously encroached on my study time.


    I was in the same boat. I had three passed in six months. I took a few months off to chill, then beat the last one up.

    No regrets.


    Its your last test & it is BEC. Suck it up and get over it. We have soldiers overseas who go to sleep at night not knowing if they will ever see their families again. Do you think they would complain about sitting inside in the AC sipping some coffee reading a book?

    It always helps to put things in perspective.


    Same boat except it's Reg lol. It's so hard to get motivated. But think if you slack off now and don't pass it will only prolong the process. Many people have taken longer than you to pass. But they might have taken time off in between. I can see where you would be burnt out considering the short time frame you have been studying. Taking exams back to back is stressful. I took 10 days off waiting of my Bec score. When I started studying for reg oh man did it suck. But it has to be done for you to get your life back. Just know your not alone 🙂

    CPA soon

    I hear you I am soooooooooooooooo over it. Just sucking it up ..

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..

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