CPA Exam Pass Rates Q4 2011 Released

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  • #319581

    Thanks Jeff – this is good information, you are an awesome resource. Nice to see the cummulative on BEC is improving. You are an awesome dude, keep the info coming.

    Reg 11/15/2011 - 80
    Aud 02/28/2012 - 81
    Bec 05/31/2012 - 78
    Far 08/31/2012 - 83 Do you believe in Miracles, YES !!!

    CPA License received 10/2012 !!
    CFE License received 04/2013 !!
    EA License received



    Wow! This is still very low! BEC has the highest pass rate with only 45%. That's bad! Apparently, these tests are not curved enough.


    Thanks Jeff.

    Curious, when you say that you think the passing rates will get stronger…any predictions? Seems like you were surprised by the rate on Audit, is Audit typically the highest overall passing rate? What do you make of REG? Is it the new “beast” ?

    Here is another thing that always puzzles me: easy/hard exam. Frankly, I don't think any of this is easy, but I would say that I enjoyed studying some parts more so than others. Is there an interpretation in there somewhere? Guess what I mean is, can there be a correlation between passing certain exams and attributes of the “accountant”. I have been pondering this whole adventure lately and wondering why BEC and FAR are behind me and why REG and Audit aren't. ( Guess I have already figured out I am NOT a Tax or Audit person!) I realize it is all me, but trying to figure out what it is about REG and Aud that I struggle with. Maybe I am over thinking this, but, I like to analyze things. Is it that Audit and REG are more conceptual? In that to study FAR and BEC ( is this more operational?) you have to go through alot of calculations… I know this really falls in line with ” are you a visual learner, an audio learner, mixture of both, etc.

    I guess these exams have really done a number on my objectivity. I really don't know my ass from first base anymore.

    Just curious with all your time involved in this process if you have developed your own analysis of the passing of certain parts, etc.

    Ok, enough of my monologue. Back to Audit.

    Happy New Year Jeff— 5 kids in 10 years—you have been a busy guy 😉


    Is there any rationale why exam scores were so low in the first quarter? Is this normal?

    FAR - 68, 79
    AUD - 82
    REG - 71, 71, 80
    BEC - 76

    Part 1: October 2013
    Part 2: January 2014


    @ pistolpete – busy season 😉 no time to study



    Pistol – Q1 is historically the lowest of the year.


    I guess AUD is lower in the 4th quarter due to all of the 74's. One of those being me.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    Funny enough, I failed 2 exams in the strongest Jul-Aug quarter 😀

    And one of them was BEC and it had 52% pass rate. Jeez, I must have been greatly underprepared.


    funny, failed audit back in July and passed it in Nov. (the quarter with the lowest percentage).


    AUD rates better climb back up this next quarter 🙂

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    Here's a question that's been nagging me lately, regarding the correlation/overlap between AUD & FAR. Has the AICPA ever released an official announcement of why, or how that's determined? I know Jeff has had some prior interviews with some of those people on how the exams are scored, borderline scores, etc, but I never saw anything specifically mentioned about AUD and FAR.

    Because while the AUD CSO does have sections pertaining to misstatements, etc, I haven't come across any exam study material for AUD that specifically identifies journal adjusting entries, etc. (If you can't tell, I'm still bitter about my last battle with AUD and its brutal SIMS). It's unfair I tell you, perhaps I'm just too sensitive…Mini, come yell at me! (i kid, i kid)

    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed
    REG: Passed
    FAR: Passed




    Becker had a solutions/explanation for 2008 AICPA released simulation related to adjusting journal entries (for the AUD section). The AICPA released simulation on adjusting entries implies a candidate should know basic sales transaction journal entries (cash or “on account”), interest expense/bad debt accrual, or depreciation.

    As far as overlap goes, “adjusting journal entries” is not GAAP; it is an audit concept. Don't confuse it with corrections of errors, changes in principal, or changes in estimate, which are GAAP.

    REG 80 2/7/11
    FAR 91 10/8/11
    AUD 97 11/22/11
    BEC 96 2/4/12

    CPA 3/15/13



    The objective of the analytical procedures is to identify unusual transactions and misstatements. The FAR-sim is exactly this.

    The FAR-sim is only one. If you manage to do everything else mostly correctly, you'd be fine.

    I also failed the first time and I know the FAR-sim was the least of my problems 🙂


    Hey Justinnnn,

    Do you happen to have a copy of that released AICPA 2008 AUD sim? I've got a copy of the 2008 released questions, but it's all MCQs, no sims. Didn't come across anything via Becker or Google either.

    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed
    REG: Passed
    FAR: Passed


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