CPA Exam fail

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  • #1517734
    Samantha Heilig

    I attempted BEC and REG this past January and March, and failed both. I wanted to find out what others who have failed have done as far as the next step. Would it be best if I attempted to retake these two sections or would it be best if I moved on, took FAR and AUD as planned, and then attempt BEC and REG after that.

    I feel very lost,because my plan was always to just give each exam an attempt before retaking anything, but I’m starting to think that might not be the best plan because the information is currently fresh in my head. Any advice is welcome and appreciated.


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  • #1517806

    I failed AUD with a 70 in Q4 and immediately went back and took it in Q1 and passed with a 75. I went for REG with 5 ½ weeks left in Q1 this year and just failed (73)… I plan on re sitting probably in the beginning of May.

    If it were up to me I would have pushed off working and finished these exams first, I mostly studied for BEC while fresh out of school waiting to work.

    BEC – 77
    AUD – 70, 75
    REG – 73
    FAR – TBD


    My advice is always to do one thing at a time, do it very well, and then move on. Multi tasking is not good for quality.


    I didn't quite make it on AUD this time around. Will be retaking in the beginning to middle part of May. Curious though, will I receive any sort of info about which sections or concepts on the exam I've performed well/poorly on? I have a decent idea but there were a few questions on the exam that I didn't honestly know the answer for and might not be able to identify the answer easily.


    I failed AUD and REG in Q1, so planning on retaking them ASAP so that I retain information. FAR is SO much info, and BEC is it's own beast, so I'd pause on those until you pass AUD & REG.

    shawn in VA

    JMS is right. I would re study REG and focus on that since it is fresh in your mind try to take end of april after tax season is over.

    Not trying to sound jerky but 65 means significant holes in understanding the material. I got a 64 in AUD my first attempt and I knew going in there was holes.


    i studied the first 3 and a half sections of becker FAR and got a 49. wooo! well at least this time around ill have more time and can actually look at everything


    Samantha – I just failed AUD with a 74 in March (that felt like a kick in the face), and I plan on retaking it in May. I had planned on taking REG in May, but I also think that taking AUD again while it's still fresh in my mind would be the best approach.

    It also really depends on how you felt about the material, though. I failed FAR in February with a 66 and I do not plan on re-taking it until the very end when I am finished with all other sections. For me, FAR was a beast and I have no desire to jump back into that material right now. I hope this helps. Just know what your strong and weak sections are, and take whatever section you feel most comfortable with next. That's the approach I am taking, as it is already difficult enough to bounce back from two failed sections in a row.

    BEC – 82
    AUD – 74
    REG – N/A
    FAR – 66

    Samantha Heilig

    Thank you everyone for your advice. I'm thinking it will be best for me to retake and then move on so at least I'll have better study techniques for when I do take FAR and AUD. As I'm sure you know, failing these exams feels like being hit with a ton of bricks. Good luck to all of you on your CPA journey.

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