Christmas, anyone? OT!

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  • #164583

    I am chugging along doing mcq’s…..but in the back of my mind, I keep thinking: finish Christmas cards, finish Christmas shopping, finish decorating the tree (and the house)…….and finish studying!!! UGH.

    I am going to take Christmas Day off ( I know, I know)—I am curious what are your plans? How are you fitting it all in? Or not? LOL!!!

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  • #318884


    last week i was like “study ethics, study ethics, study ethics.”

    this week i was like “yeah, shopping shopping shopping.” 🙂

    Good luck on your studying. I will keep hanging out in here to cheer on you 😀



    One of my new year resolutions would definitely be “please God, let Yankee passed both REG and AUD.” 🙂



    LOL!! You are so nice!! I am trying hard to make it happen baby!

    Congrats on having Ethics behind you! Now sit back and enjoy the holidays! And your new initials 🙂

    Merry Christmas and Cheers!


    I don't have time to Christmas shop so people are just going to have to accept that I didn't get anyone anything this year lol

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012



    Wish I could do the same, but my boys would not be happy. I think Mom being off the grid is getting old for everybody. My hubby told me this morning that we should finally decorate the tree and get in the Christmas spirit! I wanted to tell him that Audit doesn't celebrate Christmas, but, well, ………..AAAAHHH!


    I am right there with you yankee. I still have so much wrapping to do and we don't even have a tree up yet. Normally I can't live without a christmas tree but this year I think I might be passing. January will be so packed with cramming for the exam that I would have a tree up till my birthday in March! I might get a mini one tonight at target so that I am not bahumbug 🙂


    Christmas Day, hmmmm, our pooch will be opening her gifts, lol. Hubby and I will then go out for breakfast or something. We usually see a movie on Christmas Day, but there really aren't any good ones out. I don't think hubby will let me study that day. I really should though. So yeah, I'm probably taking that day off from studying.

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 88!!! DONE!!!!!!!!
    BEC - 76
    REG - 77

    never, never, never give up


    I'm single, no kids, so I guess its acceptable for me not to shop this year 🙂

    I put in 4 hours of study time yesterday and I plan to do 4hrs/day until Friday for a total of 20 hours before the weekend. I know I won't accomplish much over the Christmas weekend so I'm putting in my 20 hours before the weekend. I'll probably read my Ninja notes a ton on my iPhone while with family over the weekend 🙂

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012



    Not sure if you have to work, but the malls are opening at 8 or even 7am here in South Florida, you should check the holiday schedule around your area. I was holiday shopping few minutes ago 😉

    Christmas Day in NYC for the first time….Wiiiiiii. Of course, I am NOT going to study during the Christmas weekend, so I am planning to finish F8 & F9 notes between today and tomorrow….

    As for my brain, it is on vacations already, it has been difficult to concentrate on my study material since last Saturday.

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    women…women..women..oh boy!!!!!!


    Anything wrong Mr. CPATerminator??? LOL

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    Nothing wrong…it's just funny when women talk about shopping and all that….MERRY CHRISTMAS 2 YA 2. May the CPA lord bless us with all his knowledge and guide us to the promised CPA land…


    I finally put the Christmas decorations on the house this past weekend and managed to freeze my thighs solid while hanging out on a lovely 20-something degree, windy Chicago day – I'm that smart. Then I had the bright idea to just pop on over to Menards to pick up some extra blue LED lights only to return home 3 1/2 hours later with sad Philips imitations since everything had already been picked over. Lord, do I despise shopping!!! THankfully, this year 100% of my Christmas gift shopping was done via the internet – so I'm set for the weekend.

    Now that I have the CPA behind me I plan on doing absolutely nothing this weekend and it will be glorious. My parents are traveling to TN for Christmas so I'll have the house to myself!

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review



    I say buy that mini tree!!


    thanks for the heads up…just checked my malls hours and I am getting ready to go finish my shopping!! thanks:)


    I will be taking a day off too! Enjoy it!


    I wish I had started this when I was your age!!!


    Sounds like your holiday will be fabulous!! Enjoy the time to relax and just “be”. Are you sending your parents down to see me in TN??????????? lol!


    @Kasia r u gonna throw a party????????? you should invite us….

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