By the time I pass all 4 sections of this exam… - Page 2

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  • #163415

    I might just weigh 500 pounds. I don’t know about the rest of you but for some reason I always feel like I need to be shoving some sort of food in my mouth while studying. I need to figure something else out and fast!!

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  • #311488

    Sunflower seeds keep me awake when I study. I end up with sore cheeks from all the salt ha

    BEC - 81
    AUD - 72
    REG - 80
    FAR - 1/14/12


    I've managed to fit working out into my schedule and have pretty much maintained my weight over the last 4 months….BUT, that still doesnt keep me from eating bad. Sometimes I don't have any food in the house so I'll just order a pizza instead of buying food. I really don't want to lose study time to go out and get food. I know it's bad, but sometimes I don't have a choice. I do good with my eating habits during the week, but it's the weekends that kill me.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    I can completely relate to everything said here. I've gained just shy of 20 lbs over the past 6 months because I've been neglecting my exercise routine and good eating habits in favor of comfort food. Now that I've taken REG, I plan to dust off my Zumba and P90X DVDs in hopes of getting my body back. I'm desperately hoping I pass REG so I can focus on my body and mind again.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    I put on some weight too. I usually don't gain weight very easily so the fact that I did means a normal person would have put on a lot of weight. I at so many burritos and so much burger king and drank so much mountain dew I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack.

    Bec 4/11/11 91
    Aud 7/11/11 75
    Reg 8/31/11 80
    Far 5/24/11 86
    Ethics - 98
    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA



    I am sure bodys will recover, but the same can not be said about our minds. Lol

    Studying for CPA will do some permanent damage! ๐Ÿ™‚


    I think the trick is fitting exercise in with studying. For AUD i was able to do this and it seemed to help a lot. I would study for a few hours and then work out for about 30 -45 min and then repeat. with FAR did not do well and have gained weight so depressing add that to the fact that i dont think i did well on FAR.. all very stressful and i think the stress alone has helped me gain weight. i miss the days where i could work out for hours instead of being trapped at the table studying.. GRRRRR cant wait til its over!

    Maryland Candidate:
    REG: 73(11/2010) 84 (01/2011)
    BEC: 65 (5/11) 01/22: 79!!
    AUD: 85 (08/2011) FAR: 81 (11/2011)


    I gained a ton of weight while studying for the exam… I started exercising towards the end of my CPA study journey and I wish I'd started sooner. But I've lost 13 pounds now since I found out that I passed. Woot! Ready to bust out my skinny jeans soon. Just remember to make exercising a priority. I started exercising when studying for REG (during my last attempt) and ended up scoring my highest score ever… maybe not coincidence!

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    I just went to try some dresses for X-mas Dinner and OMG, I was just thinking about this post. I have gained 10 pounds and those make a hhhuuuuugeeee difference. I am not skinny, but used to looked healthy, now a different story…. I sent a text to my husband asking for my X-mas presents; a full kit of Zumba dvds and a lipo lol

    Hopefully, I will have plenty of time to exercise the last semester of 2012 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Done ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    I study so much I look like ive been locked in the attic….hopefully I pass b/c im starting to look like I belong living on the street ๐Ÿ™‚

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