burnt out

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  • #195111

    I am going to take REG on July 1st and I am currently trending 82% my average is 73% and Ive done a lot of sims. I am still worried I should study more. Should I take it easy?

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  • #675867

    These two days of studying could be the difference between a 74 and a 75 on the exam. Use your time wisely.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I can relate. When I took REG last window I got to the point where I just couldn't push on anymore, it was weird, but I felt like I reached maximum capacity. I studied about 5 hours a day, must have clocked in over 200 hours. I didn't do NINJA, so I don't know what I was trending, but I ended up passing REG. I would just “touch-up” … it is likely that you know most of what you are going to know, but do not just stop. If anything, review the subjects you don't really have a firm grasp on.


    Same here, with avg: 69% and trending 80% and exam on 2 July.. been working on Troubled questions since morning. any further advice is welcome..



    I haven't taken REG yet, but in general terms, I like to spend the last two or three days brushing up on trouble areas. I do this by doing certain questions on things I find difficult, looking at flash cards or notes I have taken, and re-reading chapters as necessary. A couple days out from the test is a good time to commit things to short term memory. I'd utilize all the time you can, but take breaks and try not to stay up too late. You'll need to be well rested the next couple of days

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    Study hard now and promise yourself a break and treat afterwards (exactly what that looks like will vary from person to person – due what's best for you). Being burnt out is very understandable, but making the most of these last couple days is important, then afterwards you can treat yourself for a bit. 🙂

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