Books to read - Page 2

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  • #162329

    I don’t know about everyone else here but as a guy I like to read financial books and books on the stock market and investing. I just figured I would recommend a few books that someone who likes to read about the financial world or books involving finance might like.

    The Millionaire Next Door by Thoman Stanley

    Good book about how the perception of rich in this country is the guy with the rolex, nice clothes, car and house. When in reality the rich are your next door neighbors who drive a ten year old ford and live way below their means.

    Confessions of a Street Addict by Jim Cramer

    If you like Jim Cramer (the crazy guy on mad money on CNBC) or are interested to learn how he got to where he is it is a very interesting book. It isn’t a biography, he talks more about the business side of the stock market.

    The Big Short by Mchael Lewis

    I wrote about this book on another thread. IF you are interested in learning about how the mortgage crisis cam about and want to hear about the select few that made ridiculous money from knowing these mortgages go bad you should read it. I’ve read it twice and I think it is a really good read, and it was written recently so it’s not on an old topic.

    When Genius Fails: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management by Roger Lowenstein

    Great book all about LT Capital Mgt. Shows how they grew to the size they were and then how it all came crashing down so quickly. It is on a slightly old topic but still a piece of history that no one has forgetten.

    A couple other recommendations:

    Freakonomics and Super Freakonomics by Steven levitt

    Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

    Dumb Money by Joey Anuff

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    Delivering Happiness:How Zappos Got It’s Start by Tony Hsieh

    Monkey Business by John Rolfe

    I am sure everyone is as busy studying as I am, but I still like to find time to do some pleasure reading besides just staring at becker all day and night. Thought I would recommend a few books in case anyone is interested and isn’t sure what to read.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS

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  • #661497

    I bought a book recently called The Promise of a Pencil. A guy working on Wall Street goes on a trip overseas, and asks various children he meets what they want most in the world. One boy in India answers, simply, a pencil. He knows the power of education, and that if he is educated he can make a better life for himself and his family. The guy quits his job and starts a foundation hoping to build a handful of schools in impoverished nations – the last time I checked I think he was over 200. I haven't gotten into it yet, but it sounds like a pretty powerful story.

    After I passed the Exam, however, I picked up The Grapes of Wrath. It wasn't required reading when I was growing up, and I've only seen about half of the movie. And after months of equations and audit letters and blah blah blah, I really needed something with a story line.


    +1 for Beating the Street and The Big Short

    Also if you want to learn the fundamentals of investing read “The Inteligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham. This is where all of the value investing ideas that most of investing books nowadays come from, even Warren Buffett follows this book to tee. Highly recommended.

    |FAR| - 72, 83
    |AUD| - 73, 76
    |REG| - 76
    |BEC| - 73, 82

    ALL DONE!!


    I read the Intelligent investor in college, thanks Dad! I've promptly ignored most of it's tenants and chase massive losses on small cap companies these days.

    I grabbed Moneyball at the library last night.

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    @taxgeek83, That books sounds similar to <Three Cups of Tea>. I recommend this book too it's sort of similar, a guy committed to building schools for girls in rural regions in the Himalayas. I also recommend <Lean In> I read it a few days ago and it has personally helped me make some decisions for real life problems I am facing right now.


    @CPA – I've heard of Three Cups of Tea too but haven't read it. There was quite a bit of controversy surrounding his account of events, and his non-profit's handling of funds. I lost a lot of interest in the book after that. Interestingly enough, he lives in a town about an hour and a half from where I'm at.

    Lean In – I haven't read that one but want to!

    Last Chance CPA


    What about magazines, articles, journals, newspapers? I started another thread about this but didn't get too many responses.

    I just finished “Smartest guys in the room” and want to read “Too big to Fail”. But I also want a daily/weekly dose of business/accounting, and being an IT guy with an MBA, I could use it. I may order the Economist and get back into WSJ and Fin Times…

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...

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