Books to read

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  • #162329

    I don’t know about everyone else here but as a guy I like to read financial books and books on the stock market and investing. I just figured I would recommend a few books that someone who likes to read about the financial world or books involving finance might like.

    The Millionaire Next Door by Thoman Stanley

    Good book about how the perception of rich in this country is the guy with the rolex, nice clothes, car and house. When in reality the rich are your next door neighbors who drive a ten year old ford and live way below their means.

    Confessions of a Street Addict by Jim Cramer

    If you like Jim Cramer (the crazy guy on mad money on CNBC) or are interested to learn how he got to where he is it is a very interesting book. It isn’t a biography, he talks more about the business side of the stock market.

    The Big Short by Mchael Lewis

    I wrote about this book on another thread. IF you are interested in learning about how the mortgage crisis cam about and want to hear about the select few that made ridiculous money from knowing these mortgages go bad you should read it. I’ve read it twice and I think it is a really good read, and it was written recently so it’s not on an old topic.

    When Genius Fails: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management by Roger Lowenstein

    Great book all about LT Capital Mgt. Shows how they grew to the size they were and then how it all came crashing down so quickly. It is on a slightly old topic but still a piece of history that no one has forgetten.

    A couple other recommendations:

    Freakonomics and Super Freakonomics by Steven levitt

    Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

    Dumb Money by Joey Anuff

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    Delivering Happiness:How Zappos Got It’s Start by Tony Hsieh

    Monkey Business by John Rolfe

    I am sure everyone is as busy studying as I am, but I still like to find time to do some pleasure reading besides just staring at becker all day and night. Thought I would recommend a few books in case anyone is interested and isn’t sure what to read.

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  • #661482

    Thanks James….great selections…..hope to get to them soon 🙂


    I loved Liar's Poker and Freakonomics, but when I'm in school and studying for the CPA I find non-fiction to be a bit too heavy to relax with haha. I did want to pick up The Big Short, though. The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman (though maybe not quite impressive now as when it came out) was also an excellent read.

    I'm a total fantasy geek when it comes to relaxing with a good book. Doesn't get much better than George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series but I also really enjoy anything by Brandon Sanderson. SciFi is good too, Dune, Ender's Game, everything by Crichton.

    I honestly can't get to sleep without at least banging out a chapter at night.

    REG: 85
    AUD: 74, 85
    FAR: 74 (sigh)
    BEC: 80 (don't even ask me how)

    When I say C-P you say 'Ayyyyy show me the money'


    Check out “Rework” – the best business book I've ever read.


    Clearly I have read Liars Poker (Consider my login name) and it needs to be said that Liars Poker is a good read for someone who just came out of school. Lewis talks a lot in his book about not knowing what he was doing at work and taking lumps while trying to learn the ropes. That is important because quite frankly, everyone goes through a stretch where it seems like we have no idea what we are supposed to be doing at work.

    I read the big short in about 2 sittings when I bought it. What I liked about that book was the Cornwall Capital dudes. Again, I know I'm not the only one who has told myself that I'm not smart enough to beat the big boys, but it just goes to show you that the odds are not insurmountable.

    I also read When Genius Failed. I wish I was as cool and level headed as Meriwhether. I am not.


    The Millionaire Next Door sounds like a great book….Every time I see a young person driving a nice car I always or most of the time feel bad for them because I know they can't even sleep from thinking about all of those mosntrous payments the have to make…lol

    The World is Flat is great…I had to read that along with Friedman's articles for a class…if you don't like this, you don't belong to the business world..


    Skip Millionaire Next Door and read “Stop Acting Rich” … same author.


    The Millionaire Next Door by Thoman Stanley—is an awesome book! I definitely need to check out the rest of these once I'm done my exams. Cool thread!! I love reading, and completely stopped pleasure reading when I started these exams 🙁 It's been a year since I've had a book I “wanted” to read in my hands

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    human piranah—cornwall capital was the best part about that book. Such an awesome story about those guys. Not guna lie wish I was able to do that.

    R PASS
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    I read a little blurb on Michael Lewis last night in The Week ( great weekly news magazine!), I had no idea he also wrote Moneyball. He sounds like an interesting guy. Going to put his books on the top of my list as soon as I can.

    @Human Piranha–FYI..looks like Liar's Poker will be on the big screen soon!!


    Just grabbed “Rework” from the library, hope Jeff isn't wasting my time.

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    If you like history and the great depression, this is a must read: Lords of Finance, The Bankers Who Broke the World.


    At the firm I work at, we read books quite often. Here is a list of our read list:

    Raving Fans

    Trusted Advisor

    Power of Habit

    5 Dysfunctions of a Team

    The Advantage

    The Rise of the Creative Class

    Great by Choice

    Strengths Based Leadership

    The Ultimate Blueprint

    Who Moved my Cheese

    Here is a list of the to reads:

    Hunting in a Farmer’s World

    Competitive Advantage

    Competitive Strategy

    Confronting Without Offending

    Moving my Firm Forward

    The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive

    The Greatest Salesman in the World

    How to Win Friends and Influence People

    Insight Selling

    The Journey Ahead

    Lean In

    Power Cues

    Principled Centered Leadership

    The Speed of Trust


    The Richest Man in Babylon

    Start with Why

    Thinking Fast and Slow

    Crucial Conversations

    Crucial Accountability


    Winning from Within

    Leaders Eat Last

    Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

    Business Execution for Results


    The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management

    Winning Images

    A Whole New Mind

    Marketing Outrageously

    The Art of Leadership


    The Leader

    How I raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling

    The Art of Negotiating

    Beware of the Naked Man Who Offers His Shirt

    The Double Win

    How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life

    Zappp! The Lightning of Empowerment

    How You Can Increase Your Sales in Any Economy


    Haven't had much time to read lately, but I appreciate this thread a lot! Enjoy reading business-type books and I am interested in growing and learning, so…thanks for all the contributions and ideas in this thread!!!


    I really liked Rework, thanks Jeff!

    Written by the guys that founded 37Signals (Basecamp), the book is quite literally a copy of their various blog posts over the year. Great demonstrations on how to rethink modern business, they of course are in the software business, but it applies to almost every business.

    Trying to figure out what is next to work my brain.

    I am still reading through

    which has so much info (thankfully bite sized) to go through. I read it once before, now I”m trying to read it slowly and glean some more.

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    Currently reading :

    What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

    Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life

    The World Without Us

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio

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