Bisk Review Materials – Reviews?

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  • #188655

    My CPA exam story is quite boring and the entire process has just been lingering in my life for 4 years now. I have tried many of the review courses that are out there and nothing seems to be working.

    I am considering changing my review materials yet again to BISK but I am not sure how it is. I don’t know anyone who used it. SO I am asking YOU my fellow CPA Exam Test Takers to provide me with your thoughts on Bisk?

    Honestly, I would greatly appreciate your response!!

    My Atrocious Roster of Scores!

    BEC - 69, 68, 66, 63, 67
    AUD - 43
    REG - 53, 58
    FAR - 44, 50, 59, 62

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  • Author
  • #661381

    A class is my master program was FAR review book from BISK. It has more of an outline style format that's somewhat similar to Becker. They have a decent amount of questions with good explaination for each chapter. I did like the layout (Gleim was way to wordy for me) I don't know what type of online or additional items come with it amymore since all I bought was the book from a bookstore. I was considering it but my company offered to buy Becker so I said yes!

    I would also consider NINJA – I've only used the MCQ and some of the lectures but I've been happy with what I've used. The cost of NINJA is pretty reasonable too. Not sure what part you're going to take but I think Jeff just finished the FAR book. Others like CPAexcel/Wiley Test Bank. You didn't say what you've tried so far so maybe you've already tired that one.

    BEC 8.14.14 - 87!
    FAR 1.8.15 - 89!
    REG 4.15.15 - 86!
    AUD 7.2.15 - 90!

    Application submitted 8.6.15
    Licensed CPA 8.19.15

    Benefit in living in a small state SD!


    I am using the BISK book without any issues. I supplement with NINJA MCQ as well. I read a chapter, take detailed notes throughout, then hit the corresponding section in the MCQ's. Working fine so far! Working on REG right now, which is more difficult material for me, but the book is covering it well. I'm sure Becker is awesome – but my employer doesn't pay for it, as many don't. Using BISK and the MCQ's, each section of review materials is costing me $100, and I'm 2/2 so far. Best of luck!


    I oly used their hot spot videos from Gov,NFP, and IFRS and it helped tremendously. Monette is the best professor i have ever seen for those 3. For Audit, Roger CPA is the man.



    I've used Bisk before and it was a waste of money for me. The materials was not as thorough compared to Wiley's and they also left a lot out. It was a waste of $200 for me. You are better off with Wiley's than with Bisk.


    Thanks everyone! Very helpful!

    My Atrocious Roster of Scores!

    BEC - 69, 68, 66, 63, 67
    AUD - 43
    REG - 53, 58
    FAR - 44, 50, 59, 62


    BEWARE of CPAReview material at BISK and Thomson Reuters!!!!! The sales person that sold me my Bisk material knew I'd be doing this over a course of 18 months, and still sold me my material for all 4 sections at once (textbook, software, audio guides). APPARENTLY, material is only good for 7 months! Now I'm taking Regulation, and my software won't work or activate and they won't help me, they just try to sell me new material. AND they don't even have record of me being a customer. HORRIBLE! I've compared my material to Gleim, Gleim textbooks are layed out better and are WAY easier to understand. DO NOT BUY BISK!


    Hey jtb_cpa2011… I would also suggest taking a look at your study method, not just the materials. Also, have you considered sticking with one section until you pass? Jumping around all 4 sections is likely making it more difficult as you try to master a large amount of material.

    How long are you studying for a section? 4-6 weeks? How many hours per day on average? How are you studying? Lecture, then MCQ.. just reading?.. etc etc

    Have you tried taking an in-person class?

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!

    CPA soon

    I think you need to re-consider you way of studying rather than the material. Regardless which material you use you won't see that much of a bump, something else is wrong. Are you reading? Are you using a testbank and doing all the questions in it? Are you putting in the time?

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..

    rp 12

    @jtb_cpa2011: I haven't used BISK, but I know that Gleim gives the content until you pass the exams, and has not expiration for online access (there is not software), and you get updated materials until you pass it. This is for a premium version. If you buy all 4 together it is cheaper.

    As mommyof3texans mentioned – it also depends on study method as well. I like to have my study sessions in small chunks. I cannot stay focussed for 3 hrs straight. I like taking notes from watching videos, and reading book only after that I dive into MCQ's and SIMS.

    Hope this helps. I wish you the very best!

    "Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss act only as motivation"

    AUD: 68, 62, 77✔ (expires 10/31/16)
    FAR: 53, 48, XX (retake 6/16)
    BEC: 53


    I wonder if JTP is still on here as this from 6 months ago

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81


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