Back on the Saddle?

  • Creator
  • #1556796

    So I’ve been in public accounting now for about 6 months and made it through my first busy season.

    My boss approached me and said that he would reimburse me for my CPA exams that I pass. I’m really debating on doing this or not. I have a baby on the way, plus some other things that are going to cut into my study time. I’ve tried this before using NINJA and failed miserably (mainly due to me just remembering the answers to the study questions and not really knowing the reason why).

    I have Wiley’s most updated computer software but the books are outdated. It really wouldn’t matter about the books right? I mean not that much could have changed? I don’t really have the funds to purchase the most up-to-date books especially with a baby on the way.

    Do you guys think I should do this? Any advice on studying?

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  • Author
  • #1556799

    If you really want it do it! If for you is not a big deal and have other priorities in life then dont do it 🙂 (You can purchase the Ebook) FYI I have a friend that did it while she was pregnant and was able to pass her exams but I think she was not working…

    Also my prior boss got his CPA when he was a Controller… so its all about timing and if you really want it.

    Congrats for being a mom!

    Hope this was helpful.

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