Back in the saddle

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  • #161929


    I’m Stacey, new to the forum but not to the cpa exam. I’ve been trying to get this monkey off my back for 4 years now. I’m married with 6yr old and 2yr old and everytime I think about the exam my stomach gets really upset, my palms sweat and I get so nervous. I’ve passed one section BEC but lost it and I strongly believe I have some type of anxiety disorder and I wanted to know what can I do to be cured? I was one of the millions americans that got laid off in 2009 (while I was pregnant) and I started studying again but I didn’t pass. I spent 18 hrs a week studying for AUD and I wasn’t even close to passing. I went there and freaked out. I’m currently employed at a private accounting firm but I miss auditing and tax work and in order to get back into that field I need my cpa certification. So I’m decided to get back in the saddle with a goal of passing all 4 parts within a year. I need tips as to how much time I should spend studying, what section to take first and when should I start doing reviews on topics already covered. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #300521

    You miss auditing? I've never heard anyone say that 🙂 But anyway, good for you! How much time each week will you have available for studying? The amount of studying is going to be different for everyone depending on how comfortable you are with the material. My advice would be to do 2 per window if you feel that you are comfortable with that amount of studying time. 2 months should be more than enough time for FAR and REG (use the blackout months). Then 1 month should be about right for AUD and BEC. This plan should have you done in ~ 6 months. If you decide to space them out over a year, do an easier section first (that you wouldn't mind having to retake in case they start to expire…worst case scenario). If you schedule them closer together, do a more difficult section first (maybe FAR or REG) as you probably have more momentum early on in this process. Best of luck!


    First, if you are convinced you have an anxiety disorder you need to see an MD, it is VERY real and not something that any advice here can help.

    That said, hang in there! You've already tasted this and know what to expect, now you just need to figure out what strategy works best for you with your kids and job.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I recommend that you get Jeff's Ninja notes, and then do some research on the different study courses that are out there and figure out which one suites you best. Most of them have free trials, which I HIGHLY recommend you try before you purchase.

    Some courses that come to my mind: CPAexcel, Yeager, Roger, Becker, Bisk,

    As for the anxiety… I can relate there. I think that maybe your anxiety comes from the fact that you have built the CPA exam up SO much in your mind that it seems insurmountable. Normalize the idea. You WILL be a CPA. You will defeat this exam. You will go in there feeling confident. Another tip – when I feel anxious before an exam, I make a really boring monologue in my mind that describes everything I'm doing. Like when I was walking to the prometric center “I am walking up the stairs, towards my CPA exam. I've studied for this exam for 2 months. I am ready. I'm going to apply my knowledge and pass this exam.” It sounds really lame but I swear it helps.

    And if you honestly can't calm down, you may need some kind of medication… herbal or otherwise.

    Good for you for getting back on that saddle. Check in here often, there is great support on these forums. :0)

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    Thank you for your responses. I currently have the cpaexcel software and I think it works for me (used Becker & Gleim b4 but it was too much) Kandisjoy, I like the monologue, I will be using that everytime. Ninja notes I'll have to look into.

    CPABear, I was thinking of taking two per window and see how things go. I know I'm crazy for saying that I miss audit but I do. Thanks you so much. I'll give an update soon once I get started.



    Awesome Stacey, I used CPAexcel too and I swear by it. Here's exactly how I used the Ninja notes and CPAexcel together.

    I did every CPAexcel study section ON TIME. If I got behind schedule, I usually failed my exam. I printed up any of the text that I felt like I needed to (if there wasn't enough in the Ninja notes). I printed up all of the Ninja notes and put them in a binder, then I inserted any of the CPAexcel text that I printed up in the appropriate section in my Ninja notes. Also I took most of my notes on note cards, so that when I was done studying a section, I would have a great study tool to use afterwards. I went through each note card and if it was easy, I put it in the Easy Pile. Kept studying until all of my note cards were in the Easy Pile.

    This is what worked for me. Create a system that works for you. You can do this. :o)

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011

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