AUD studying

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  • #195322

    I am studying for AUD which I take 7/20. I skimmed a bit of the book, but then just started doing ninja MCQ. Most material is somewhat familiar because I worked for a small firm doing some audit for 1.5 years. I struggled with section 3, so read that part through. I’ve seen 34% of questions, and am trending 70%. Besides section 3 which is at 59%, every other section is 69-76%. Will I be good just sticking to MCQ til the test and rereading section 3, or is there anything I should add to my study plan?

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  • Author
  • #681324

    For audit more so than any other exam, I would say stick to MCQs they do the best job helping you understand the core concepts!

    AUD: 02/28/15 - 89
    FAR: 05/29/15 - 80
    BEC: 08/03/15 - 81
    REG: 08/27/15 - 76


    Greek i am in the same boat i take AUD on the 19th

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016

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